Checking is the historical name of a place near Regensburg, which goes back to the monasteryprüfunging , a former Benedictine monastery in Großprüfening.
Today Checking is divided into three locations:
- Großprüfening , part of the city of Regensburg on the right, southern bank of the Danube
- Kleinprüfening , part of the municipality of Sinzing on the left, northern bank of the Danube
- District Prüfening which is essentially limited to the area Outer West with racecourse in the west section covers the city of Regensburg
See also:
- Checking Monastery , former Benedictine monastery in Großprüfening
- Prüfungingen consecration inscription , high mediaeval inscription from the year 1119 in the monastery Prüfing
- Wolfger von habening , monk as well as librarian and scholar in the 12th century in the monastery checking