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Secrets of the Moon studio album


September 18, 2009: Germany & Austria
September 21, 2009: Worldwide

Label (s) Prophecy Productions

Format (s)


Genre (s)

Black metal

Title (number)


occupation sG - guitar , vocals
LSK - bass
T. Thelemnar - drums


Markus Stock / Klangschmiede Studio E

Privilege -

Privilegivm is the fourth studio album by the German black metal band Secrets of the Moon . It was published on September 18, 2009 in Germany and Austria, three days later worldwide. Between the previous album Antithesis and this one, several members left the band, while bassist LSK joined the band.


The cover picture, which received the “Award for Most Black on a Cover” from a reviewer, comes from the French artist Metastazis. It shows a hollowed out black apple in front of a black background, the band logo can be seen in white above the apple, and below the title of the album, also in white. According to the band, it represents an "apple with a black hole ".

Style and content

Instead of a bad production with “circular saw guitars”, this album takes a quieter approach. The riffs are based on simple power chords , the drums are “slow” and “pounding”. The album contains influences from Doom Metal . The music is "strong", it is described as "progressive". The website sees the genre “Dooth Metal” being created in the album, which means “Doom Metal, which goes in the direction of Death Metal, but not quite completed the step”. At Privilegivm, the band does not limit itself to the "genre standards blastbeat , simple structure and satanism ". Although the album cannot be described as repetitive, some elements keep recurring.


Privilegivm was received very positively overall; The website gave the album an “excellent” rating, while Jonathan Smith from the website considers the album to be one of the “strongest albums this year”. It was listed by Rock Hard in the list of "250 Black Metal Albums To Know". The Metal Hammer -Redakteur Gunnar Sauermann described it as one of the best black metal albums of the year.

Track list

  1. Privilege
  2. Sulfur
  3. Black Halo
  4. I Maldoror
  5. Harvest
Part I: I Forgive Myself
Part II: The Tree of Life
Part III: Exsultet
  1. For They Know Not
  2. Queen Among Rats
  3. Descent (instrumental)
  4. Shepherd

Individual evidence

  1. Interview at (accessed April 24, 2010)
  2. ^ A b c Jonathan Smith: Secrets of the Moon: Privilegivm . At: (accessed on March 31, 2010)
  3. BLABBERMOUTH: SECRETS OF THE MOON: 'Privilegivm' Artwork Unveiled ( Memento of the original from September 13, 2009 on WebCite ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (Accessed March 31, 2010) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. : Interview with Secrets of the Moon (accessed April 9, 2010)
  5. a b : Review: Secrets of the Moon - “Privilegivm” (2009) ( Accessed March 31, 2010)
  6. a b c d : Secrets of the Moon - Privilegium (accessed March 31, 2010)
  7. : Secrets of the Moon - Privilegium (accessed March 31, 2010)
  8. Glenn Doom: Privilegium ( Memento of the original from September 17, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . At: (accessed March 31, 2010) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. 250 Black Metal Albums That You Should Know . In: Rock Hard , No. 269, October 2009, p. 75.
  10. 2009, a Black Metal Year? Interview of Gunnar Sauermann  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /