Pro musica sacra

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Pro musica sacra
Seat: Siegen / Germany
Founding: 1979
Genus: Brass ensemble
Head : Tobias Schütte
Voices : 4 trp 1 horn 1 tuba 4 pos
Website :

The brass ensemble pro musica sacra Siegen eV is a brass ensemble with a classical Philip Jones line-up .


The idea of ​​founding this brass ensemble came to seven budding church musicians from Siegen in 1979 . It was decided, motivated by the wind work, which was already known from the C-course and the trombone choir , to realize their own ideas regarding brass chamber music and to try them out in front of the home audience.

The original line-up of sevens was expanded over time, first to eight (four trumpets, four trombones) and later, with the addition of the horn and tuba, to the classical ten-instrumentation modeled on the Philip Jones Brass Ensemble . The musicians soon opened up new literature outside the usual framework of Renaissance and Baroque music . It was the time when individual publishers began to publish newly arranged music from different eras for brass. The concert programs have been expanded to include arrangements of classical and romantic works as well as jazzy arrangements and contemporary compositions.

In recent years, the ensemble's own arrangements and compositions have increasingly shaped the concert programs - pieces, some of which are given a new face while rehearsing together and thus reflect the diverse tonal and technical possibilities. The development of ever new fields of music has also become an integral part, such as the expansion of the ensemble with professional brass, the implementation of concerts with a large symphonic ensemble or the development of a concert program with a trombone choir. In the meantime, the ensemble has developed into a modern ensemble, whose ten mostly young members still practice their music exclusively as an intensive hobby alongside school, studies and work. The group has obligations both in the context of church music and in other cultural areas, including radio and CD productions.

From 1997 to 2014 the ensemble was directed by Eckehard Pankratz as primus inter pares . In August 2014 Tobias Schütte took over the musical direction.

Appearances (selection)

Concert tours abroad

  • 1997: France
  • 2000: Austria
  • 2007: Italy

Radio and television appearances

  • TV production of WDR : Klingendes NRW (in Bottrop on the dump of the Prosper-Haniel colliery , WDR)
  • TV production by UFA : Contribution to an episode of Home in Happiness (RTL2)
  • Radio production of the WDR: Renaissance meets modernity - concert as part of the WDR Music Festival 2006 (May 25, 2006)


  • Transverse sheet metal (LP, 1982)
  • So God loved the world - choir and wind music for Advent and Christmas (LP / MC / CD, ERF-Verlag)
  • Petit "toot" Suite (MC / CD, 1994, self-published)
  • Martini 1994 (CD, 1994)
  • From concerts in South Westphalian churches (CD, 1995)
  • The miners and their songs (CD, 1997, POLAR)
  • Sacred choral music (CD, 1998, POLAR)
  • Pictures from a tin exhibition (CD, 1999, self-published)
  • Anno Domini (CD, 2000, Gerth-Medien, CD 939200)
  • Route to Heaven (CD, 2001, proprium Verlag)
  • Sweet Suite (CD, 2004, self-published)
  • Festive Christmas Choirs 2 (CD, 2005, Gerth-Medien, CD 939312)
  • Merry Christmas Everywhere (CD, 2012, self-published)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegener Zeitung print edition, viewed August 26, 2014