Program booklet

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A program booklet is a brochure that is offered for theater performances , concerts and similar events and contains information about the program and the participants. As an equivalent in the cinema there were film programs . Sometimes event lists (such as broadcast programs) in booklet form are also referred to as a program booklet.

Originally, up to around the end of the 19th century, the only printed products accompanying the performances were the theater bill , on which the authors and contributors were noted, as well as a text book that could be bought to read along during the event. This was particularly desirable if the text was difficult to understand, as in opera, or if there was no spoken or sung text, as in ballet . In the case of program music , there was occasionally an act to read along for instrumental music .

Since the auditorium in the theater was completely darkened, it was hardly possible to read along, and a summary of the plot was sufficient. In addition, theater and concert organizers were interested in individual printed matter that was tailored to individual events or series. The audience, in turn, valued memorabilia from past occasions and was willing to spend money on them. That is why the program booklet with action summaries, explanations and personal data of the artists became established in the 20th century. If the cast changes , a loose cast slip with the names of the participants is often placed in the program booklet.

Programs are usually written and edited by dramaturges . While the program booklets have become more scientifically developed in the city and state theaters over the past twenty years, they have become richly illustrated and often expensive souvenirs in circuses and musicals, for example .

Some stadium newspapers published by football clubs are also referred to as program brochures , which provide stadium visitors with interesting information about the upcoming game.

Programs as a collection area

Some music fans also see the programs as a collector's item - for example from world premieres , in special categories such as music genre (symphony concerts, operas, operettas, oratorios, choral works, etc.) or by epochs such as early music, baroque, classical, modern, jazz.

Occasionally, they are also searched for antiquarian or exchanged in special circles, associations or by post.

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: program booklet  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations