Proletarian Parents' Councils

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Proletarian Parents ' Councils were parents' associations from the working class in the Weimar Republic . The Proletarian Parents' Council movement emerged during the unification party congress of the USPD and KPD in 1920. From 1922, after the defeat in the Reich Parents' Council elections, the proletarian Parents' Council movement subsided again. It was not until 1929 that the proletarian parents' councils played an important role again in the defensive struggle against so-called "school fascism", the anchoring of fascism in schools.

Principles of the Proletarian Parents' Council

During the unification party congress of the USPD and KPD (1920) “Guidelines for the work in the parents' councils” were adopted . Under the principle "The struggle within the school is above all the task of the proletarian parents themselves", six demands were made:

  1. Public teaching - the right of proletarian parents' councils to attend classes at any time and unannounced
  2. Voting right at all teachers ' conferences - the involvement of the proletarian parents' council with voting rights at all conferences and meetings of the teaching staff in which questions of teaching, teaching materials, the curriculum, school discipline, vacation, school hygiene, certificates and promotion, etc. are discussed
  3. Participation in internal school matters - the decisive influence of the proletarian parents' councils in the implementation of school meals, distribution of clothes, in the selection of children for holiday camps, in the choice of school doctor, in the imposition of severe penalties
  4. Introduction of student councils - the introduction of student councils, which are freely chosen by the students in each class and whose powers increase according to the age group
  5. Participation in the appointment and dismissal of teachers - the right of the proletarian parents' council to resolve the suspension or dismissal of teachers who are guilty of counter-revolutionary agitation or gross mistreatment of children. Parents 'councils' right to veto the employment of unpopular teachers
  6. Participation in the Reich school legislation - the decisive influence of the state parents' council or the Reich parent council on the entire school legislation .

Public teaching

Edwin Hoernle , in his 1922 publication “School Reaction and Proletarian Parents 'Councils”, demanded that parents and parents' councils can attend classes at any time and without the consent of the teachers, get access to the regulations and official instructions, get access to the conferences of the teaching staff, participate in the Creation of curricula and house rules, punishments and issuing of certificates.


  • Fritz Ausländer : Save the school! Berlin 1927
  • Philipp Frankowski : The tasks of the parents' associations. With a foreword by Otto Glöckel , Vienna 1921
  • History of Education Berlin 1968, 8th edition, especially p. 591 ff.
  • Wolfgang Mehnert : The importance and the tasks of the parents' councils in the school-political struggle of the revolutionary proletariat , in: Wolfgang Mehnert: The contribution of Edwin Hoernle to the school-political struggle of the KPD in the time of the Weimar Republic (1919-1929) , Berlin 1958, p. 103– 108
  • The role of the proletarian parents' councils , in: On the pedagogy and school policy of the KPD in the Weimar Republic , Berlin 1961, p. 143 ff.
  • Our school fight , ed. vd Headquarters of the JSB, Berlin (around 1927)
  • Lutz von Werder / Reinhart Wolff (Hrsg.): Schulkampf. Documents & analyzes . Vol. 1, Frankfurt a. M. 1970, pp. 206-246


  • Proletarian school policy. The Journal of Revolutionary Parenthood , Essen 1st year 1930
  • The socialist educator. Bulletin of the communist parents' councils and teachers , supplement to: The proletarian child , from 8th year 1928, H. 6 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lutz von Werder / Reinhart Wolff (eds.): Schulkampf. Documents & analyzes . Vol. 1, pp. 206f.
  2. ^ Lutz von Werder / Reinhart Wolff (eds.): Schulkampf. Documents & analyzes . Vol. 1, p. 206.
  3. ^ Edwin Hoernle: School reaction and proletarian parents' councils , 1922, p. 214f.