Fritz foreigner

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Stolperstein in Berlin-Tegel , Erholungsweg 14

Fritz Arthur Hugo Ausländer (born November 24, 1885 in Königsberg , Prussia , † May 21, 1943 in Berlin ) was a German communist politician .


After graduating from high school in 1904, the son of a businessman studied history, German literature and geography at the Albertina in his hometown. During this time he also joined the SPD . In 1908 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD . After traineeships in Königsberg and Breslau, he taught at high schools in Hamburg, Marburg and Berlin. In Berlin, foreigners who belonged to the left wing of the SPD had a close friendship with Karl Liebknecht .

Shortly after the beginning of the First World War , foreigners were among the staunch opponents of the SPD leadership's civil peace policy and joined the International Group and published training materials for the SPD organizations in the Niederbarnim party district. After he had to do military service from the end of 1914 to November 1915, he returned to Berlin, where he was active for the organization around Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg , which is now called Spartakusgruppe . Since its founding at the end of 1918, he has been a member of the KPD and has been particularly active in intra-party educational work.

Foreigner worked as a high school teacher in the 1920s and was a member of the Association of Resolute School Reformers . As a politician, he was temporarily unpaid member of the central magistrate of Berlin, an employee of the KPD parliamentary group and from 1928 to 1932 a member of the Prussian state parliament . Since he belonged to the internal party movement of the “ Compromisers ”, he was not re-run as a candidate in the new elections in 1932. In protest against the party's “ultra-left” policy, he resigned from the KPD a little later.

Arrested and imprisoned by the SA on the night of the Reichstag fire in 1933, he was imprisoned until June 1935 in the Hedemannstrasse police prison, in the Lehrter Strasse cell prison , in the Moabit and Plötzensee prisons , in the Brandenburg prison and in the Esterwegen concentration camp , where he was detained after serving one Pardon was dismissed. Since the Nazi authorities refused to pay him his pension, he had to work first as an address writer and then as an employee of the publishing house. After the outbreak of war in 1939 he was arrested again and held until Christmas 1939 in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp , in the Gestapo prison on Prinz-Albrecht-Straße and then in the Horst-Wessel State Hospital. Fritz Ausländer committed suicide on May 21, 1943 for fear of being arrested again. According to a more recent source, Fritz Ausländer is said to have killed himself directly after a conflict within the family with his wife, who was active in the Nazi women's community and had raised the two children in the Nazi spirit. He had criticized that his son had become a HJ leader and his daughter a BDM leader.


  • Friedrich Wilhelm I's relationship with Austria primarily in 1732. A contribution to the history of Prussian politics. Königsberg 1908 (Wernich Elbing, from Old Prussian monthly , vol. 46, issue 1; dissertation Albertus University Königsberg dated December 18, 1908)
  • Save the school! The black and blue bloc and the proletarian defense front , Berlin (Association of International Publishing Institutions) 1927 (responsible for the content: Ernst Schneller Berlin)


Web links

Commons : Fritz Ausländer  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b German Academy of Sciences in Berlin / Commission for German Educational and School History (ed.): Yearbook for Educational and School History. Volume 14, Akademie-Verlag, 1974. p. 107.
  2. So still Hans-Rainer Sandvoss : Resistance in Pankow and Reinickendorf , Berlin ( German Resistance Memorial Center ), 1992, p. 98
  3. ^ Hans-Rainer Sandvoss: The "other" capital of the Reich. Resistance from the labor movement in Berlin from 1933 to 1945 , Berlin (Lukas-Verlag) 2007, p. 163