Promontory Heraclides

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Promontory Heraclides
Cape Heraclides in the southwest and Cape Laplace in the northeast of the sunken crater.
Promontorium Heraclides (Moon Equatorial Region)
Promontory Heraclides
position 40.59 °  N , 34.08 °  W Coordinates: 40 ° 35 '24 "  N , 34 ° 4' 48"  W.
diameter 50 km
Named after Herakleides Ponticos
See also Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

The Promontorium Heraclides or Cape Heraclides is one of the two capes at the ends of the Montes Jura on the edge of the Sinus Iridum on the moon . Cape Heraclides is located south of the Sinus Iridum, opposite the second Cape Promontorium Laplace (Cape Laplace).

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