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Imago of Protonemura meyeri

Imago of Protonemura meyeri

Subclass : Flying insects (Pterygota)
Superordinate : New winged wing (Neoptera)
Order : Stoneflies (Plecoptera)
Family : Nemouridae
Genre : Protonemura
Scientific name
Kempny , 1898

Protonemura is agenus of stoneflies . There are around 10 species in Central Europe.

Characteristics of the larvae

The body becomes up to 10 millimeters long. It is dark brown or greenish in color. On the underside of the first breast segment there are six tracheal gills combined into two triple tufts . The wing sheaths are directed obliquely backwards. The links of the tarsi are darker on the top than on the underside.

Occurrence and way of life

The larvae of the genus occur in mountain and mountain streams in the low mountain ranges and the Alps. They feed on detritus and algae. Their development time is one year. The saprobic index for representatives of this genus is 1.0.


The following species occur in Europe:

supporting documents


Individual evidence

  1. Meyer, Detlef .: Macroscopic biological field methods for assessing the water quality of rivers: with lists of species for beginning and experienced investigators and detailed descriptions and images of the indicator organisms . 4th, unchanged. BUND, Hannover 1990, ISBN 3-9800871-4-X .
  2. Species list at, accessed 10 February 2011