Ptilium schuleri

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Ptilium schuleri
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Dwarf beetles (Ptiliidae)
Subfamily : Ptiliinae
Genre : Ptilium
Type : Ptilium schuleri
Scientific name
Ptilium schuleri
Ganglbauer , 1899

Ptilium schuleri is a beetle fromthe dwarf beetle family (Ptiliidae).


The beetles reach a body length of 0.55 millimeters. Their compact body is brownish-yellow in color and somewhat lighter than the similar Ptilium myrmecophilum . The head and the disk of the pronotum are slightly darker in color. The edges of the pronotum are poorly recognizable, the longitudinal lines are only indicated and usually diverge towards the front. In contrast to P. myrmecophilum and Ptilium exaratum, the sides of the pronotum base are not noticeably ragged. The wings are lighter in color than those of the similar species and have a yellow translucent tip and, as a rule, also darker translucent longitudinal lines on the disc. The antennae and legs are colored yellow.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is known from Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and France. The animals live myrmekophil with Lasius brunneus , Lasius fulginosus and the red wood ant ( Formica rufa ). You can find them on rotting stumps of European beech .


Web links


  • A. Horion: Faunistics of the Central European Beetles Volume II: Palpicornia - Staphylinoidea, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1949.
  • Edmund Reitter: Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire. 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908–1916, digital library volume 134, Directmedia Publishing GmbH, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-898-53534-7