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Ptoliporthos ( Greek  Πτολίπορθος , "the city destroyer") is a person from Greek mythology .

He is the son of Telemachus and Nausicaa , who got his name from his grandfather Odysseus . Odysseus was often given this name as an epithet by Homer , although he is not the only one to have the epithet Ptoliporthos .

The son of Telemachus and Nausicaa is also referred to as Persepolis , but this may have been confused with Ptoliporthos.



  1. Dictys Cretensis 6, 6.
  2. Homer, Iliad 2:278; 10, 363; Odyssey 8, 3; 14, 446; 16, 442; 18, 356; 22, 283; 24, 119.
  3. ^ Otto Höfer : Persepolis 1 . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 3.2, Leipzig 1909, Sp. 1985 ( digitized version ).