Aelius Publianus

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Aelius Publianus (his praenomen is not known) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 3rd century AD .

A dedicatory inscription dated 201/250, which was found near Bölcske , proves that Publianus was the commander of the Ala I Thracum Veterana , which was stationed in the province of Pannonia inferior at that time . Publianus was an officer in the Legio II Adiutrix , which was stationed in nearby Aquincum . However, he was temporarily entrusted with the management of the Ala, presumably because the actual Prefect of the Ala had fallen ill or died suddenly.

Publianus probably came from one of the North African provinces. His family had probably received Roman citizenship under Hadrian or Antoninus Pius .


  1. According to Zsolt Mráv (2005) Publianus probably was Primus Pilus ; he excludes the rank of Tribunus angusticlavius . Other historians assume that Publianus praefectus was equitum .
  2. According to Zsolt Mráv (2005) the deceased Ala commander could have been Quintus Postumius Lepidinus .

Individual evidence

  1. inscription ( Bölcske 00024 ).
  2. a b c Zsolt Mráv : Ala I Thrac (um) vet (erana) cui preest [A] elius Publianus [p (rimi)] p (ilus) leg (ionis) II Ad [i (utricis)]. In: Specimina nova Universitatis Quinqueecclesiensis XIX (2005), pp. 61–70, here pp. 62–65 ( online ).
  3. Zsolt MRAV , József Beszédes, Endre Tóth: The stone monuments from Bölcske - inscriptions and sculptures - catalog. , Hungarian National Museum, Budapest (2003), pp. 103–170, here pp. 132–133 ( online ).