Publius Licinius Tegula

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Publius Licinius Tegula was a Roman republican hymn writer .

The exact dates of his life are unknown, but he is named by Titus Livius as the author of an atonement hymn, a carmen , ordered by the Decemvirn , on the occasion of a 200 BC. Chr. Occurred Prodigiums called. This ominous omen in the form of a hermaphrodite birth was repeated in 207 BC. Prodigium entered into BC. At his atonement, Livy Andronicus was commissioned to write a corresponding song, which was performed by nine virgins.

Licinius Tegula therefore had its bloom around 200 BC. Chr. And besides Livius Andronicus is the only poet known by name of this genre of choral lyric hymnic character. Possibly he belonged to the clientele of the pontifex maximus and consul of the year 205 BC. BC, Publius Licinius Crassus Dives .

Licinius Tegula is not to be equated with the palliative poet Licinius Imbrex , who was active at the same time. It is true that Tegula and Imbrex two antique tiles forms in their function but they are too different to be able to be used to interchangeably. The task of such epithets was to differentiate between contemporaries of the same name. Imbrex and tegula have another meaning in the field of theater and characterize the type of applause given: tegula with flat hands, imbrex with cupped hands. The related and yet different epithets could allude to this in people who created for the stage and public appearances.


  • Annie Dubourdieu, Philippe Moreau: Imbrex et Tegula : la technique des applaudissements à Rome. In: Latomus . Volume 45, No. 4, 1986, pp. 717-730.
  • Giusto Monaco: P. Licinivs Tegvla-Imbrex. In: Studi di poesia latina in onore di Antonio Traglia. Volume 1 (= Storia e letteratura. Volume 146). Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Rome 1979, pp. 93-97.
  • Friedrich Münzer : Licinius 168. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume XIII, 1, Stuttgart 1926, column 485.
  • Werner Suerbaum : Overview of the poets of small forms. In: Werner Suerbaum (Ed.): The archaic literature. From the beginnings to Sulla's death (= Handbook of the Latin Literature of Antiquity. Volume 1). CH Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-406-48134-5 , p. 326.


  1. Livy 31.12, 10 in conjunction with 27.37.
  2. In favor of the equation, for example: Giusto Monaco: P. Licinivs Tegvla-Imbrex. In: Studi di poesia latina in onore di Antonio Traglia. Volume 1 (= Storia e letteratura. Volume 146). Edizioni di storia e letteratura, Rome 1979, pp. 93-97, here: p. 96 f.
  3. This objection raises: Jürgen Blänsdorf : Licinius Imbrex. In: Werner Suerbaum (Ed.): The archaic literature. From the beginnings to Sulla's death (= Handbook of the Latin Literature of Antiquity. Volume 1). CH Beck, Munich 2002, p. 257.
  4. ^ Annie Dubourdieu, Philippe Moreau: Imbrex et Tegula : la technique des applaudissements à Rome. In: Latomus . Volume 45, No. 4, 1986, pp. 717-730.