Publius Mummius Sisenna Rutilianus

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Publius Mummius Sisenna Rutilianus was a Roman politician who lived in the 2nd century AD.

He was related to Publius Mummius Sisenna , who was an ordinary consul in AD 133, and was probably either his nephew or his son. After an honorary inscription from Tibur , he began his career as Decemvir Stlitibus Iudicandis and was then inferior tribune of the Legio V Macedonica in the province of Moesia . He then completed the prescribed senatorial office career ( cursus honorum ) and successively became quaestor , tribune and praetor . After passing through these offices he was sent to the province of Britannia as a legate (legion commander) of the Legio VI Victrix . He then returned to Rome and was appointed Praefectus aerarii Saturni , that is, the Commissioner for the Treasury ( Aerarium ). For 146 he was one of the suffect consuls . He then officiated as Praefectus alimentorum per Aemiliam . Before 150 AD he became governor ( Legatus Augusti pro praetore ) in the province of Moesia superior and around 162/163 proconsul of the province of Asia .

The poet and satirist Lukian of Samosata ridiculed him for his turn to the magician and oracle interpreter Alexander of Abonuteichos . He is said to have married Alexander's daughter out of admiration and to have brought the emperor to give Abonuteichos the nickname "Ionopolis". According to Lukian, Mummius died around the age of 70.


Individual evidence

  1. CIL VII, 1464
  2. ^ Rudolf Hanslik: Mummius II, 4. In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 3, Stuttgart 1969, column 1459.
  3. Werner Eck: Mummius II, 6. In: The New Pauly (DNP). Volume 8, Metzler, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-476-01478-9 , column 468.
  4. CIL XIV, 4244 and CIL XIV, 3601
  5. Inscriptiones Italiae , Volume XIII, 1, p. 204 f.
  6. Lukian, Alexandros 34.