Pull service

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Pull service or client pull (English: to pull - pull, tighten, pull out) describes a mostly internet-based method of content distribution, in which information from a client preset with parameters is requested once from the central server and then from the central server to the client once be delivered. For example, one can client - Computer News Request with an appropriate source of information on the Internet. The client has to start a request for the service every time to get the information from the server, unlike the push service, in which the information is immediately delivered (pushed) by the server after a subscription is created on the server, without the Client has to start a request every time.

In the mobile communications sector, information can be called up by the user via "service on request" free of charge or for a fee. Example: The participant requests information via SMS, which is sent to him via SMS (or MMS). Such services can be used, for example, to query weather information and timetable information or to obtain ring tones and logos for mobile phones.

A pull service represents the classic research option via the Internet. Well-known search engines on the Internet can serve as examples here , through which the user can "pull" the required information himself.

Users of these services register once for a service via an information channel such as the Internet , mobile radio or telephone and then receive the desired service once as an email , SMS , MMS or telephone service.