Long-tailed fruit pigeon

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Long-tailed fruit pigeon
Long-tailed fruit pigeon

Long-tailed fruit pigeon

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Pigeon birds (Columbiformes)
Family : Pigeons (Columbidae)
Genre : Downy pigeons ( Ptilinopus )
Type : Long-tailed fruit pigeon
Scientific name
Ptilinopus magnificus
( Temminck , 1821)
Long-tailed fruit pigeon, Queensland, Australia

The long-tailed fruit pigeon ( Ptilinopus magnificus ), also known as the purple-breasted fruit pigeon or Wompu fruit pigeon , is a species of pigeon birds . It occurs in eight subspecies in Australasia.


The nominate form of the long-tailed fruit pigeon reaches a body length of 30 centimeters and weighs between 175 and 200 grams. It corresponds to the size of a wood pigeon . Compared to this species of pigeon, the wings of the long-tailed fruit pigeon are shorter and more rounded. The tail is also shorter. There is no gender dimorphism . Young birds are a little less intensely colored than the adult pigeons.

Long-tailed fruit pigeons have a gray to light gray-green head. The underside of the body is purple in color. The lower abdomen is deep yellow, the coverts yellowish. The top of the body is golden yellow. A striking feature of the long-tailed fruit pigeon are the yellow spots that form a band running across the wing covers. The beak has a red base and brightens to yellow towards the tip of the beak. The iris is orange-red. The unfeathered narrow dark circles are gray-green. The feet and legs are yellow-green.

Distribution, habitat and behavior

The long-tailed fruit pigeon occurs in New Guinea and in a narrow strip in Eastern Australia to Southeast Australia. The largest subspecies lives in the lowlands of New Guinea. The habitat of the long-tailed fruit pigeon are tropical lowland rainforests and eucalyptus forests. During the winter half-year it can also occasionally be found in cultivated land.

Long-tailed fruit pigeons are tree-dwelling pigeons and, despite their striking plumage, can hardly be made out in tree tops. Their main diet is fruits and berries. Wild figs make up a large part of the food spectrum of the long-tailed fruit pigeon. The nest is built by both partners on a leafy branch and is usually between four and seven meters above the ground. The clutch includes a white egg.

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. Rösler, p. 272
  2. Burnie, p. 250


  • David Burnie (Ed.): Birds. Dorling Kindersley, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-8310-1272-5 .
  • Wolfgang Fischer: The Purpurbrust-Fruchttaube , The Aviary, Volume 24, 2001, Issue 8, Page 228ff.
  • Gerhard Rösler: The wild pigeons of the earth - free living, keeping and breeding. M. & H. Schaper Verlag, Alfeld-Hannover 1996, ISBN 3-7944-0184-0 .
  • Christian Zenker: The purple breast fruit pigeon - another rarity among fruit pigeons , Gefiederte Welt, 137th year, 2013, issue 5, page 22ff.

Web links

Commons : Ptilinopus magnificus  - collection of images, videos and audio files