Pyrrhia purpura

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Pyrrhia purpura
Pyrrhia purpura

Pyrrhia purpura

Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Superfamily : Noctuoidea
Family : Owl butterfly (Noctuidae)
Subfamily : Heliothinae
Genre : Pyrrhia
Type : Pyrrhia purpura
Scientific name
Pyrrhia purpura
( Huebner , 1817)

Pyrrhia purpura ( Syn .: Pyrrhia purpurina ) is a butterfly ( moth ) from the family of owl butterflies (Noctuidae).



The moths have a wingspan of 26 to 36 millimeters and predominantly color-graded fore wings, with red-brown, copper-red or purple tints predominating. The basal field is more or less yellowish in color. The middle shadow often shimmers pink. Ring and kidney flaws have a slightly dark border, but hardly stand out from the ground. The rear wings are gray-brown without drawing, often yellow-brown on the inside, darker on the outer edge and with reddish fringes.

Caterpillar, pupa

The caterpillars have a greenish or reddish color and a dark, light yellowish bordered back line. Yellowish secondary ridge lines, broad, yellow side stripes and large, black point warts are striking. The doll has a slim, elongated shape and has a cremaster formed with four small hooks and two longer, outwardly curved thorns .

Distribution and occurrence

The species is distributed locally in warmer areas in eastern Austria , in the Czech Republic , Slovakia , Hungary and other countries in Southeast Europe up to the Ukraine . According to older information, it also occurs in isolated places in the Altai Mountains . Pyrrhia purpura mainly inhabits steppes , dry forest edges, clearings or bushy areas where their forage plants grow.

Way of life

The moths fly mostly in May. The caterpillars can be found on Diptam ( Dictamnus albus ) in June and July, especially on the seed pods. The pupae overwinter, occasionally twice.


The species does not occur in Germany , so it is not on the Red List of Endangered Species .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Michael Fibiger, Lázló Ronkay, Axel Steiner, Alberto Zilli: Pantheinae, Dilobinae, Acronictinae, Eustrotiinae, Nolinae, Bagisarinae, Acontiinae, Metoponiinae, Heliothinae and Bryophilinae . In: Michael Fibiger, Lázló Ronkay, Barry Goater, Mariann Fibiger (eds.): Noctuidae Europaeae . tape 11 . Entomological Press, Sorø, Denmark 2009, ISBN 978-87-89430-14-0 (English).
  2. ^ A b Walter Forster, Theodor A. Wohlfahrt: The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 3: Weirdos and Swarmers. (Bombyces and Sphinges). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1960, DNB 456642196 .


  • Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 4: Owls. (Noctuidae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1971, ISBN 3-440-03752-5 .
  • Michael Fibiger, Lázló Ronkay, Axel Steiner, Alberto Zilli: Pantheinae, Dilobinae, Acronictinae, Eustrotiinae, Nolinae, Bagisarinae, Acontiinae, Metoponiinae, Heliothinae and Bryophilinae . In: Michael Fibiger, Lázló Ronkay, Barry Goater, Mariann Fibiger (eds.): Noctuidae Europaeae . tape 11 . Entomological Press, Sorø, Denmark 2009, ISBN 978-87-89430-14-0 (English).

Web links

Commons : Pyrrhia purpurina  - album with pictures, videos and audio files