Q & Q

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Erik van 't Wout and Martin Perels as actors Quarles van Ispen and Wilbur Quant

Q & Q is a Dutch children's crime series in six parts (approx. 50 minutes each) from 1974. The series was produced by the Dutch production company KRO . Directed by Bram van Erkel . The theme music was sung by Robert Long .


Wilbur Quant and Aristides Quarles van Ispen are Q&Q. The two boys met each other by chance in the forest when Aristides was photographing birds. But while developing the pictures, they make a strange discovery: In one of the photos, the boys see an apparently unconscious man who is being dragged into the bushes. The village policeman just laughs at Wilbur and Aristides when they want to report the incident. The two decide to take the case into their own hands - especially since Aristides' great-uncle's face looks somehow familiar.


Bob de Lange in Q&Q
Maélys Morel in Q&Q

The first broadcast in Germany took place on ARD in February 1977. The responsible broadcaster was the then SDR (today SWR ). The series was repeated in 1979 by ARD. After the very successful broadcast of the first season of the Q & Q series, a second season was filmed, but it was not broadcast in Germany. In 2004 the first season of the series was released on DVD by the Dutch company Bridge Entertainment. This DVD only contains the original sound in Dutch. In 2016 the series with German sound was released on 2 DVDs by Edel Germany GmbH .

The body in the photo in the series Q & Q was played by Wim Hogenkamp , a well-known Dutch singer and actor who was found murdered in his Amsterdam apartment in 1989 and who was lying there in the same pose as the body in the TV series. The exact circumstances of his death could never be clarified.

Bram van Erkel directed the series . Harrie Geelen wrote the script. The soundtrack came from Joop Stokkermans .

Van 't Wout and Perels have been associated with their roles in Q&Q for years; both were often followed by their fans in public (fans usually hummed the melody of the Q&Q theme song in their vicinity). Van 't Wout, who played the prototype nerd , received far less fan mail than Perels, whose role has been linked to the tough guy in the black leather jacket. After the two Q & Q roles, Perels turned down all other film offers that were brought to him. Instead, he made a career in real estate and finance management; he died of a brain tumor in 2005 at the age of 44.

Roles and actors (selection)

Another series

Because of the great success of the first series, another series was produced in 1976 with the Dutch title "Kunst- en vliegwerk". Most of the actors from the first series also played here again. This second series was not broadcast in Germany. In September 2005 the second series was also released by Bridge Entertainment on DVD with original Dutch sound.


A Dutch book about the series has been published for each of the two television series:

Web links

Commons : Q & Q  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Q & Q - The Complete Series, Reviews , dvd-sucht.de, September 30, 2016
  2. Aflevering 7 - Het Zesde Zintuig (Dutch) . In: RTL Nederland . Retrieved November 12, 2012. 
  3. http://www.mediamagazine.nl/medianieuws1/televisienieuws/4025-componist-joop-stokkermans-75-overleden