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Quadenhof was a farm and district in the community of Geistingen and is now part of Stossdorf in the city of Hennef (Sieg) . A distillery is operated here.

Hennef Stossdorf, Quadenhof, aerial photo (2017)


The former single courtyard is north of Frankfurter Strasse .


In 1910 there were households of the landowner and mayor a. D. Albert Dick and the pensioner widow Johann Hentes. In the 1920s, the estate was initially taken over as a state domain by Franz Sünner from Cologne. After the Second World War , the domain became the property of the Sünner family, who specialized in grain distilling and the production of spirits. Quadenhofer Korn and other spirits under the “Quadenhofer” brand were able to establish themselves in the regional environment in retail and gastronomy.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Population register Siegkreis 1910

Coordinates: 50 ° 47 '  N , 7 ° 15'  E