Qualitative content analysis

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deductive approach to content analysis

The Qualitative content analysis is a method of data analysis in the field of social research . The goal of qualitative content analysis is to order and structure manifest and latent content. These can be contained in different forms of material, e.g. B. in transcripts of interviews, newspaper articles, but also pictures or video recordings. The goal of the development of the qualitative content analysis is to develop a systematic and intersubjectively verifiable method of text analysis, which meets scientific demands despite the need for interpretation and the wealth of meaning of the linguistic material. In contrast to the quantitative content analysis , it neither wants to discover numerical relationships nor to be representative of a population . The qualitative content analysis has been developed in the German-speaking area mainly by Philipp Mayring since 1980 and is part of a number of other social science text analysis methods, such as objective hermeneutics and grounded theory .

The qualitative content analysis stands in the tradition of hermeneutics , which wants to understand human behavior and not explain it. She also uses knowledge from literary studies , communication studies and psychology for word processing.

Previous areas of application of qualitative content analysis are mainly for interviews , but also for investigations of argumentation patterns, debates, contemporary documents, literature or biographies. In scientific disciplines that mainly use qualitative data collection ( qualitative social research ) in field research , e.g. B. in ethnology , the qualitative content analysis is essential. It also provides a basis for analytical comparison. Asking a research question or a problem-oriented analysis is essential here.

In a further development and opening up of his approach, Mayring now speaks of a qualitatively oriented content analysis. This implies an application of quantitative analysis methods to the qualitative content analysis, such as frequency comparisons or scales and correlation determination.

See also


  • Udo Kuckartz: Qualitative content analysis. Methods, practice, computer support . 3. Edition. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim / Basel 2016, ISBN 978-3-7799-3344-1 .
  • Philipp Mayring: Qualitative content analysis . Basics and Techniques. 12th edition. Beltz, Weinheim / Basel 2015, ISBN 978-3-407-25730-7 .
  • Glasses, Jochen / Laudel, Grit [2004]: Expert interviews and qualitative content analysis as instruments for reconstructive investigations. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2004 Table of Contents Review
  • Mayring, Philipp / Gläser-Zikuda, Michaela [ed.] [2005]: The practice of qualitative content analysis. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Verlag
  • Mayring, Philipp [2000]: Qualitative content analysis . Forum Qualitative Social Research / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [Online Journal], 1 (2)
  • Schreier, Margrit [2012]: Qualitative Content Analysis in Practice. London: Sage Publications
  • Schreier, Margrit [2014]: Variants of qualitative content analysis: A guide in the thicket of terminology. In: Forum Qualitative Social Research. Vol. 15, issue 1 (accessed on May 18, 2016).
  • Steigleder, Sandra [2008]: The structuring qualitative content analysis in a practical test. A constructively critical study on the evaluation methodology by Philipp Mayring. Tectum Published by Marburg

Individual evidence

  1. Mathes, Rainer (1992): Hermeneutic-classificatory content analysis of guide conversations. About the relationship between quantitative and qualitative methods of text analysis and the possibility of their combination. In: Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Jürgen HP (Hrsg.): Analysis of verbal data: about dealing with qualitative data. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, p. 410.
  2. Mayring, Philipp (2010): Qualitative content analysis. In: Mey, Günther & Mruck, Katja (ed.): Handbook Qualitative Research in Psychology. Wiesbaden: VS, p. 604.
  3. Mayring, P. and Brunner, E. (2010): Qualitative content analysis. In H. Boller, B. Friebertshäuser, A. Langer, A. Prengel & S. Richter (eds.): Handbook of qualitative research methods in educational science. 3rd edition (pp. 323-334). Weinheim [u. a.]: Juventa-Verl.