Transcription (social sciences)

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Excerpt from a transcript with special identification of broken words, linguistic and phonetic peculiarities as well as spoken text passages

In qualitative social research, transcription refers to the writing down of spoken and sometimes non-verbal communication that was recorded on video or sound carriers. The result of a transcription is called a transcript, the activity transcribe.


The aim of the transcription is the later analysis of the transcripts using various techniques of empirical social research, such as qualitative content analysis or conversation analysis . There are different transcription methods for different analytical practices, some of which also map non-vocal information - such as tone of voice and speaking volume. Depending on the transcription process, information is always neglected. The transcription thus already means an interpretation of the data. Depending on the planned evaluation method, the transcription can, for example, be more analogous or very precise, i.e. taking into account slip of the tongue, delay sounds , pauses, etc.

The transcription always represents a verbatim rendition of what has been said. A summary or partial transcription of a conversation is not referred to as a transcription, but as a protocol or the like.


Another problem with the transcription of telecommunications , in particular video conferences , is the representation of time delays in transcripts, which today's transcription systems only inadequately solve.

Transcription systems

A basic distinction is made between simple and extended transcription processes. With simple rules, non-verbal signals, e.g. B. Hesitation features / delay sounds (such as Ähms, drawn out vowels when thinking) or stutterers and word breaks are not noted. With the extended procedures, these are also completely transcribed, for which there are different rules, specifications and notation patterns depending on the system.

Simple transcription is common in qualitative content analysis , while extended transcription is common in linguistics .

Transcripts are of particular importance in conversation analysis , for which a number of different transcription systems exist, the most common of which is the system developed by Gail Jefferson . There is also the conversation analysis transcription system , HIAT and transcription in film analysis .

Transcription software

As special software, u. a. Anvil , ELAN , EXMARaLDA , Express Scribe , Feldpartitur , Folker , f4transkript , HyperTranscribe , Transcribe , Transcriber , Transcriva and Transana application.

supporting documents

  1. ^ Juventa Verlag: Qualitative content analysis. Methods, practice, computer support . 4th, revised edition. Weinheim, ISBN 978-3-7799-3682-4 .
  2. Körschen, Marc, Jessica Pohl, H. Walter Schmitz and Olaf A. Schulte. 2002. "New Techniques in Qualitative Conversation Research : Computer-Aided Transcription of Video Conferences." Forum Qualitative Social Research - FQS 3 (2): 19, Paragraph 16 f .; < >.
  3. DR CLAUSSEN, JENS. JANKOWSKI, DANA. DAWID, FLORIAN .: RECORD, TYPE-IN, ANALYZE: Guide to conducting interviews and transcriptions. BOOKS ON DEMAND, [Sl] 2020, ISBN 3-7504-7005-7 .
  4. Gey, Ronny. 2012. Transcription software. SoSciSo - Social Science Software. The database on software in the social science research process. < >.

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