Quintus Cornelius Proculus

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Quintus Cornelius (Senecio) Proculus (full name Lucius Stertinius Quintilianus Acilius Strabo Quintus Cornelius Rusticus Apronius Senecio Proculus ) was a Roman politician and senator at the time of Antoninus Pius and Mark Aurel .

The Fasti Ostienses shows that Proculus 146 was a suffect consul together with Lucius Aemilius Longus . Around 161/62 he was probably the proconsul of the province of Asia .

He could be the biological brother of Lucius Stertinius Quintilianus Acilius Strabo Gaius Curiatius Maternus Clodius Nummus been, but from a Cornelier - about Cornelius Proculus , by the governor of Pannonia - in the year 133 adopted have been.

According to a funerary inscription placed by his daughters, Proculus had at least three children: Cornelia Procula, Placidia and Quintus Cornelius Senecio Proculus, a legate of the province of Asia who died at the same time as he, perhaps from the Antonine plague .



  1. Fasti Ostienses ( CIL 14, 244 )
  2. Werner Eck : The Fasti consulares of the reign of Antoninus Pius. An inventory since Géza Alföldy's consulate and senatorial status In: Studia Epigraphica in memoriam Géza Alföldy, Bonn 2013, ISBN 978-3-7749-3866-3 , pp. 69–90, here p. 75 ( online ).
  3. Conjectures of Edmund Groag: Cornelius 294 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume IV, 1, Stuttgart 1900, Col. 1420 f.
  4. CIL 6, 1387 ; Assumption by both Groag and Rudolf Hanslik in RE .