Raúl Argemí

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Raúl Argemí (born February 21, 1946 in La Plata , Buenos Aires Province ) is an Argentine journalist and writer.


Argemí comes from a humble background. During his childhood and youth his country was very unstable because of the various military coups. Politically active, Argemí joined the resistance movement "Ejército de Liberación 22 de agosto" ( People's Revolutionary Army ) at an early stage .

As a political prisoner, Argemí spent ten years in prison from 1974. Only when the regime of General Jorge Rafael Videla was ended with President Raúl Alfonsín did the situation change, and Argemí was released again in 1984. Together with his fellow sufferers, Argemí publicly refrained from retaliation in order to, according to his own statements, "give democracy and peace a chance".

Argemí lived in Buenos Aires for some time, then went to Patagonia as a journalist and editor for a total of 15 years . From there he wrote mostly for the newspapers "Claves", " Le Monde diplomatique " and "Río Negro". His first crime novel was also written , Los muertos siempre pierden los zapatos , with which he made his successful debut as a writer in 1996.

In 2000 Argemí went to Spain and settled in Barcelona . In addition to his novels, he writes there regularly for the daily newspaper "El Periódico de Catalunya". Over time he also became an important person at the annual literary festival "Semana Negra de Gijón" held in Gijón .


  • 2005 Premio Hammett for Penúltimo nombre de guerra
  • 2005 Premio Tigre Juan de Novela for Siempre la misma música

Works (selection)

Web links