Ragnhildur Helgadóttir

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Ragnhildur Helgadóttir (born May 26, 1930 in Reykjavík ; † January 29, 2016 ) was an Icelandic politician of the Independence Party ( Sjálfstæðisflokkur ) , who was the first woman president of the lower house of the Althing from 1961 to 1962 . She was also the only President of the House of Commons.


Ragnhildur Helgadóttir, daughter of the doctor and long-time chairman of the scout association Bandalag íslenskra skáta Helgi Tómasson , was elected as a candidate of the Independence Party for MP in the lower house of the Althing in 1956 and initially belonged to it in 1963, whereby she was the only female MP between 1956 and 1959. During this time she was first in 1959 2nd Vice-President of the Althing, then from 1959 to 1960 2nd Vice-President of the House of Commons and 1961 to 1962 for the first time President of the House of Commons. After that she was again 2nd Vice-President of the House of Commons between 1962 and 1963.

In 1971 she was again a member of the lower house and belonged to the second chamber of the Althing until 1979. During this time she was not only again President of the House of Commons between 1974 and 1978, but also President of the Nordic Council in 1975 .

Most recently, she became a member of the lower house in 1983 and was a member of it until the parliamentary reform in 1991, which led to the previous bicameral system being abolished.

In May 1983 she was appointed Minister of Education in his government by Prime Minister Steingrímur Hermannsson . After a government was formed, she was a member of its government from 1985 to July 1987 as Minister for Health, Social Affairs and Communication.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ragnhildur Helgadóttir | Æviágrip þingmanna frá 1845 | Alþingismannatal | Þingmenn | Alþingi ( is ) Alþingi . Retrieved June 29, 2016.