Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld

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Logo of the cooperative banks  Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld eG
Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld eG.jpg
Country GermanyGermany Germany
Seat Blaufelden - Gammesfeld
legal form registered cooperative
Bank code 600 697 10
founding 1890
Association Baden-Württemberg Cooperative Association
Business data 2018
Total assets 33.9 million euros
insoles 31.9 million euros
Customer credit 11.1 million euros
Employee 1
Offices 1
Members 341
  • Manfred Hemer (Chairman, part-time)
  • Peter Breiter (full-time)
  • Hans-Albert Pfänder (voluntary)
Supervisory board Helmut Häfner (Chairman)
List of cooperative banks in Germany

The Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld eG is a cooperative bank based in Hohenlohe village Gammesfeld , community Blaufelden . Its business area is essentially limited to the area of ​​the municipality of Gammesfeld, which was independent until the municipal territorial reform.


The Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld, founded in 1890 under the name “Spar- und Kreditkasse Gammesfeld”, is one of the smallest banks in Germany. It is operated by a single person and did not have a computer in 2009 , which changed in April 2012 at the latest, and the phone was still a rotary phone .

At the end of the 1980s, the banking supervisory authority withdrew its operating license, as the four-eyes principle could not be implemented with just one person as a board member and cashier . Fritz Vogt, the founder's grandson and the bank's board member at the time, faced a three-year prison sentence for illegal banking operations. However, the Federal Administrative Court of Berlin ruled in 1990 that the bank could operate without the usual two full-time employees.

To date, the bank is not connected online to the cooperative data centers. Transfers are completed by hand or on paper using a typewriter and sent by post to the data center. According to Peter Breiter, the online connection to Fiducia & GAD IT would cost 50,000 euros a year. These additional expenses would disproportionately reduce customer revenues. Until 2014, the bank issued debit cards to its customers , which were used to withdraw a total of 330,000 euros in 2014; During the same period, 2.1 million euros were paid out at the bank counter. Since 2014 there have been no more debit cards for customers of Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld. Instead, customers have the option of getting a credit card from a bank in a neighboring town.

The bank gained national fame in 2002 when it was the focus of the documentary film Schotter wie Heu , which was made that year . However, this also triggered two attempted bank robberies : In May 2006 Fritz Vogt routed a bank robber without opening the safe for him. On January 23, 2009, his successor Peter Breiter succeeded when two men lay in wait for him after the Friday close at 9 p.m.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Master data of the credit institute at the Deutsche Bundesbank
  2. a b c Information in the annual financial statements as of December 31, 2018, research in the Federal Gazette at http://www.bundesanzeiger.de
  3. a b Manfred Mühlenstedt: A "biotope" worth preserving - Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld 125 years old . Südwestpresse . September 21, 2015. Retrieved January 11, 2016.
  4. Sarah Schierack: This is how the smallest Raiffeisen bank in Germany's Augsburger Allgemeine works, March 29, 2018, accessed on February 25, 2019
  5. ^ A b c Christian Schnell: Raiffeisenbank Gammesfeld: Assault on Germany's smallest bank , Handelsblatt, January 26, 2009, accessed on February 19, 2012

Coordinates: 49 ° 18 ′ 49.4 "  N , 10 ° 5 ′ 34.7"  E