Raimund Friedrich

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Raimund Friedrich (born November 21, 1947 in Chemnitz ) is a German painter and draftsman.


Raimund Friedrich grew up in Chemnitz ( Karl-Marx-Stadt ) and Stollberg / Erzgebirge . Initially active as a poster painter, he studied from 1968 to 1974 at the University of Industrial Design (today Art and Design) Halle / Saale, Burg Giebichenstein with Lothar Zitzmann , Rudi Horn and Willi Sitte . 1975–1978 he was employed as a set designer at the town hall in Karl-Marx-Stadt. He has been a freelance worker since 1978. 1975–1990 he was a member of the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR, since 1990 of the Association of Visual Artists of Saxony (BBK). As a member of the Art Association Laterne , he wrote about 60 columnists for its art magazine. Contributions, including artist interviews.

He lives and works in Burkhardtsdorf near Chemnitz and in Sæby (Frederikshavn Kommune) in Denmark. In 2003 he realized a multimedia art and music project in Germany, several neighboring countries and the USA.

Work and style

Friedrich mixes painting, scriptural drawing and photo collage, mainly on paper, but also on canvas. From 1994 to 1997 he initially produced works on Frank Zappa . Jazz, art rock and pop culture remain important stimuli for his art, which in the following period also opened up other subject areas, including current political and media critical. The picture titles are often aphoristic .

Music project

Friedrich realized exhibitions at home and abroad. The most extensive project in 2003 was a “tin case” full of graphics and texts: “Music to Pictures - Pictures to Music”, the content of which was shown as a traveling exhibition in New York, Paris, Halle / Saale and Copenhagen. Concerts and lectures took place in parallel.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. / "Biography on ALK Online"
  2. / "Website of the Chemnitzer Künstlerbund, members"
  3. / "Text by Prof. Paul Rudolf Hierschberg, Munich 2017"
  4. / Music project in the Saxon State Library