Raimundo Carrero

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Raimundo Carrero (born December 20, 1947 in Salgueiro , Pernambuco ) is a Brazilian writer and journalist .

As a journalist he worked for radio, television and the newspaper Diario de Pernambuco for 25 years , including as a literary critic. He was part of the Movimento Amorial artist movement , which had formed in the northeast region of Brazil.

He was press spokesman for the Fundação Joaquim Nabuco and the University of Universidade Federal de Pernambuco . Until 1998 he was president of the cultural heritage foundation 'Fundação de Patrimônio Artístico e Histórico de Pernambuco' (Fundarpe).

Carrero won numerous literary prizes. He took part in the literary festivals FLIP Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty and FLIPORTO in Porto de Galinhas .

None of his works have appeared in Germany so far.


  • As sombrias ruínas da alma
  • Os segredos da ficção
  • A história de Bernarda Soledade - A tigre do sertão (1975)
  • As sementes do sol - O semeador (1981)
  • A dupla face do baralho - Confissões do comissário Félix Gurgel (1984)
  • Sombra severa (1986)
  • Maçã agreste (1989)
  • Sinfonia para vagabundos (1992)
  • Extremos do arco-íris (1992)
  • Somos pedras que se consomem (1995)
  • As sombrias ruínas da alma (1999)
  • O delicado abismo da loucura (2005), short stories
  • O amor nicht tem bons sentimentos (2007)
  • A preparação do escritor (2009)
  • A minha alma é irmã de deus (2009)
  • Seria uma sombria noite secreta (2011)
  • Tango lo Mango (2013)
  • O senhor agora vai mudar de corpo (2015)

Literary prizes

Web links