Rasmus Malling-Hansen

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Rasmus Malling-Hansen - 1887

Hans Rasmus Johann Malling-Hansen (born September 5, 1835 in Hunseby, † September 27, 1890 in Copenhagen ) was pastor and chairman of the Royal Dovstum Institute in Copenhagen.


During his work with the deaf, the young pastor Malling-Hansen made the discovery that one could reproduce 12 phonetic signs in one second with "finger language", whereas with ordinary writing only 4 phonetic signs per second could be put on paper. So it had to be possible to construct a machine with which one could use the speed of as many fingers as possible to write.

Malling-Hansen developed in 1865 Skrivekugle ( writing ball , writing ball or Sphère écrivante ), the first series-produced typewriter in the world. It consisted of 54 concentric key sticks and printed capital letters, numbers and punctuation marks on a cylindrical sheet of paper. Malling-Hansen's most prominent customer was the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche .


Web links

Commons : Rasmus Malling-Hansen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Dieter Eberwein: Nietzsche's writing ball . Eberwein-Typoscriptverlag, Schauenburg 2005, p. 18 .