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Ratschreiber is a functional designation from administrative law.


In Baden-Württemberg Ratschreiber was until December 31, 2017 the title of a local civil servant in the local government.

Each municipality that is the seat of a land registry office or a land registry inspection office appointed one, in certain cases several, advice writer (§ 31 State Law on the Voluntary Jurisdiction of Baden-Württemberg, LFGG).

Its main tasks consisted of receiving declarations in real estate matters and issuing copies of the land register. In the Baden part of the country he also acted as a clerk and commercial director of the land registry office (Section 32 LFGG). In Baden-Württemberg, he was for public certification of signatures entitled and transcripts.

According to the LFGG, the counselor was not allowed to certify hand signals .

On January 1, 2018, the function was replaced by the deletion of §§ 31 and 32 LFGG Baden-Württ. abolished. A transitional regulation is made in Section 35a of the Rechtspflegergesetz.


In the Swiss cantons of Appenzell Ausserrhoden , Appenzell Innerrhoden and Glarus , Ratschreiber is the name for the head of the central staff unit of the cantonal government and the cantonal parliament . In most other cantons this function is called state clerk , in some cantons land clerk .



  1. Section 31 of the State Law on Voluntary Jurisdiction in Baden-Württemberg, LFGG
  2. § 32 LFGG