Rauschergut (Fischlham)

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The Rauschergut (also Rauscher-Gut , formerly Schrottau ) is a farm in the village of Hafeld in Fischlham in Upper Austria .


The Rauschergut adjoining the Stegmühlbach was built on the property of the Lambach Abbey , which was originally called Schrottau , but was deserted and was therefore also known as Schrottauod . The buildings, mostly made of wood and roofed with thatch, were purchased in February 1895, together with 3.8 hectares of land, from the retired customs officer Alois Hitler for 10,000 crowns. He wanted to breed bees and small animals there. However, he could not make any profits from it, so he sold the property again with losses in June 1897 and moved to neighboring Lambach and later to Leonding. His son Adolf also lived in this house and attended the 1st and 2nd grade of elementary school in Fischlham.

The property was placed under monument protection on May 22, 1938, but this was lifted again after the Second World War. In 1939 Hitler visited the Rauschergut again and announced the construction of a large recreation and training center for children, but nothing was realized.

According to a report in the Sunday newspaper , the Evangelical weekly newspaper for Bavaria , Hitler bought the schoolhouse next to the church in 1939 and made it a HJ home. It now serves as a community meeting point and is provided with an inscription: “This is where Adolf Hitler learned to read and write (1895-1897). Not Heil: It brought calamity, destruction and death to millions of people. ”A granite stone from the Mauthausen concentration camp is worked into the tablet .

The Eugen Friedhuber publishing house in Wels brought out a series of eight picture cards with the theme The home of the Führer and Chancellor Adolf Hitler . One of them is titled Adolf Hitler's house 1895/97 and shows the Rauschergut, albeit presumably in the condition in which the painter Kasberger saw it in the 1930s.


As early as autumn 1896, Alois Hitler tried to sell the estate and described it in several advertisements in the Tages-Post : “The Rauschergut zu Hafeld near Lambach with six manor rooms, etc. in addition to the economy rooms , over 26 yoke arrond. Reason is for sale for 8200 florins with 3000 florins down payment. Correspondingly cheaper with a larger deposit. Information from the owner, Mr. A. Hitler. "

Todays situation

After numerous changes of ownership and various alterations, today's Rauschergut can no longer be compared with the condition from the 1890s.


  • Dirk Bavendamm: The young Hitler: corrections of a biography 1889-1914 , Ares Verlag, Graz 2010. ISBN 9783902475732 PDF
  • Gustav Keller: The student Adolf Hitler: the story of a lifelong rampage , LIT Verlag Münster 2010. ISBN 9783643109484 PDF

Individual evidence

  1. Ernst Deuerlein: Hitler . List, 1969 ( limited preview in Google Book Search) mentions only one house.
  2. Information on fischlham.gv.at accessed on February 4, 2017
  3. https://www.land-oberoesterreich.gv.at/13784.htm
  4. Thomas Greif, The world history of Hafeld. A farmer saved eight-year-old Adolf Hitler's life in Upper Austria in 1898 , in: Sonntagsblatt. Evangelical weekly newspaper for Bavaria 3, 2014, January 19, 2014 ( online )
  5. Scan the map at www.ak-ansichtskarten.de
  6. Daily Mail of September 23, 1896, page 7
  7. Daily Mail of October 11, 1896, page 11
  8. ^ Franz Jetzinger: Hitler's Youth: Fantasies, Lies and Truth Europa-Verlag, 1956
  9. Photographs on www.smoter.com and www.akg-images.de , the latter shows the state around 1920.

Coordinates: 48 ° 5 ′ 6 ″  N , 13 ° 55 ′ 12 ″  E