Regulations (road construction)

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The regulations in road construction consist of a collection of technical rules and regulations for the design , construction and maintenance of roads and their components.


The set of rules summarizes the experiences and findings of the past decades and is adapted to current changes at larger intervals. The contents mark the state of the art and are generally legally binding. In justified cases (e.g. economic viability), however, there is the option of deviating from the rules if traffic safety is not impaired.

In Germany, the technical regulations have been developed over many years by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) and the Research Association for Roads and Transport (FGSV for short) and introduced by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure in a general circular . In Austria, the guidelines and regulations for roads are drawn up by the Road - Rail - Transport Research Association (FSV for short). The Association of Roads and Transport Experts develops and revises the standards for the road and traffic system that are valid in Switzerland .

See also

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