Regional Task Force

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The Regional Task Force of the African Union , RTF for short , or African Union Regional Task Force , AU-RTF for short, is a contingent of the AU.

The RTF's mission is to eliminate the Lord's Resistance Army in the Central African region. It is the military component of the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the elimination of the Lord's Resistance Army .

Organizationally, the RTF is divided into the three sectors Dungu, Nazra and Obo. The strength of the contingent should be up to a brigade strength of 5000 soldiers. So far only 3350 soldiers have been assigned to the contingent. Nevertheless, it is stated that the contingent is fully operational with the available forces. The operation that has become known so far is Operation Monsoon , which has been running since August 2013. Successes to date include the capture of two LRA commanders and the killing of Okot Odhiambo , number two in the LRA. The RTF was supported by the US government in the course of Operation Observant Compass .

Troop contributing states

Individual evidence

  1. 3rd Ministerial Meeting of the Regional Cooperation Initiative for the Elimination of the Lord's Resistance Army (RCI-LRA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. (No longer available online.) April 24, 2013, archived from the original on May 25, 2013 ; accessed on September 14, 2014 (English).
  2. ^ A b Democratic Republic of Congo hands over 500 strong contingent to the African Union-led Regional Task Force for the elimination of the Lord's Resistance Army. (pdf) February 13, 2013, archived from the original on September 14, 2014 ; accessed on September 14, 2014 (English).
  3. ^ The African Union-led Regional Task Force pursues its operations against the Lord's Resistance Army. December 10, 2013, accessed September 14, 2014 .
  4. ^ US Support to Regional Efforts to Counter the Lord's Resistance Army. March 24, 2014, archived from the original on March 24, 2014 ; accessed on September 14, 2014 (English).
  5. a b c FIGHT AGAINST THE LRA. UN welcomes handover of troops to the African Union Regional Task Force. 2012, archived from the original on September 14, 2014 ; accessed on September 14, 2014 (English).
  6. La République Démocratique du Congo contribue un contingent de 500 soldiers à la Force régionale d'intervention sous la conduite de l'Union africaine pour l'élimination de l'Armée de résistance du Seigneur -African Union - Peace and Security Department. February 15, 2013, accessed April 22, 2017 (French).