Regius Professor of Economics (London)

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Christopher Pissarides , first Regius Professor of Economics

The Regius Professor of Economics is a Regius Professorship for Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) established in 2013 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's throne . Together with this professorship, eleven further Regius professorships were donated.

History of the professorship

Foundation of the professorship

In 2013, plans were announced to support a Regius professorship for every decade of Elizabeth II's reign. The proposals submitted were so convincing to the advisory body, headed by Graeme Davies and the Queen, that in the end twice as many, namely twelve professorships, including a professorship at the London School of Economics, were named. In the 100 years before this foundation, apart from one foundation in 2009, on the occasion of the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, no more Regius Professorship had been established. The last was done by Queen Victoria . The reasons for the election were not disclosed. However, the high academic level is commonly referred to as an essential factor. This is how the foundation deed names the Regius Professorship for Mathematics at the University of Warwick in recognition of outstanding teaching and research , which was also founded, without going into the evaluation.


Surname name suffix from to annotation
Christoforos Antoniou Pissarides Ph.D. 2013 The first Regius Professor of Economics was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2010 . Pissarides had taught at the University of Southampton from 1974-76, then moved to the LSE in 1976 and worked his way through the academic ranks until he was appointed professor in 1986. From 2006 this chair was named Norman Sosnow Professor of Economics . The work of the Cyprus- born Pissarides dealt with labor markets , macroeconomics , structural changes and economic growth .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Chloe Smith and the Cabinet Office, 12 outstanding university departments will gain the prestigious title of Regius Professor, to mark the Diamond Jubilee on the UK government website of January 29, 2013; Retrieved April 19, 2016.
  2. a b c d Rozina Sabur (2013) Queen gives Maths department an award , The Boar of February 18, 2013.
  3. ^ Profile of Christopher Pissarides on the London School of Economics website; Retrieved April 20, 2016.
  4. a b Christopher Pissarides - Nobel Prize Winner ; personal website of Christopher Pissarides; accessed on March 24, 2017.
  5. a b CV of Christopher Pissarides on his personal website, accessed on January 1, 2018.