Regius Professor of Pharmacy (Aston)

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The Regius Professor of Pharmacy is a Regius Professor of Pharmacy at Aston University founded in 2016 by Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her 90th  birthday .

In addition to this Regius Professorship for Pharmacy, there is now another chair at the University of Glasgow , which is called the Regius Professor of Materia Medica after the old name of pharmacy . Other chairs, for example the Regius Professor of Plant Science at the University of Edinburgh , were originally founded because of the medicinal properties of many plants, the cultivation of which in botanical gardens was an essential requirement for research into the active ingredients.

History of the professorship

In 2015, during his speech on the state budget , Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne announced plans to establish additional Regius professorships on the occasion of the Queen's 90th birthday (April 26, 2016). Unlike in earlier times, the recent appointments are no longer accompanied by funding. This plan was implemented on June 6, 2016. Together with this professorship, eleven further professorships were donated. The choice of chairs was made on the basis of scientific performance over several years by an expert panel of scientists and business representatives.

Aston University was chosen because of the outstanding importance of research since 1847, which resulted for example in the development of the cancer drug temozolomide or the first master's degree for clinical pharmacists.

The first professor, Keith Alan Wilson , was presented with the letters patent on February 3, 2017 by Minister Chris Skidmore .


Surname name suffix from to annotation
Keith Alan Wilson B.Sc., Ph.D. 3rd Feb 2017

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Regius Professorships awarded to leading universities to mark Queen's 90th birthday . Cabinet Office press release, June 6, 2016.
  2. a b Aston’s pharmacy school awarded Regius Professorship . In: The Pharmaceutical Journal , Vol 297, No 7892, doi: 10.1211 / PJ.2016.20201461 .
  3. ^ Tamlyn Jones: Aston University awarded Regius Professorship . In: Birmingham Post , June 7, 2016.
  4. Richard Garner: Budget 2015: Universities will be allowed to raise fees beyond £ 9,000, says George Osborne . In: The Independent , July 8, 2015; accessed on August 14, 2015.
  5. a b c d Prestigious Regius Professorship awarded to Aston's School of Pharmacy . Aston University press release dated February 3, 2017.