Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine

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The physical and rehabilitative medicine includes by definition from the German training regulations for medical specialists "secondary prevention , detection, the subject-specific diagnosis , treatment and rehabilitation in diseases, injuries and their consequences with the methods of physical therapy , the manual therapy , the naturopathic and the balneotherapy and climatic therapy as well as the design of the rehabilitation plan ”.

Specialists in physical and rehabilitative medicine mostly work in rehabilitation clinics. The further training period is five years and includes three years in this field as well as one year each in internal medicine and surgery .

In Austria, the job title is "physical medicine and general rehabilitation". The training comprises 4 years in the actual subject area (main subject) and 2 years in the following minor subjects: 1 year internal medicine, 6 months neurology, 3 months orthopedics and 3 months trauma surgery. For all doctors who started their training after 1997, recognition as a specialist is tied to a successfully completed specialist examination.


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