Reich Department of Gymnastics

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The (imperial) Trade Office Gymnastics (actually specialist Office 1: Gymnastics , gymnastics and summer games ) since 1934 was the successor to the German Gymnastics Association (DT) in the era of National Socialism .


On the occasion of the German Fighting Games in Nuremberg on July 27, 1934, the reorganization of the entire gymnastics and sports system in the German Reich Association for Physical Exercise was announced. The area of ​​gymnastics formed the “Fachamt 1”. The German gymnastics association was thus effectively dissolved, the formal dissolution followed two years later by resolution of an extraordinary gymnastics day in Berlin on April 18, 1936 with effect from September 30 of the same year.

The department was responsible for the areas of apparatus gymnastics, gymnastics and summer games. The gymnastics games hit ball , fistball , netball , sling ball and ring tennis were counted among the summer games .

After the end of the Third Reich , the Reichsbund für physical exercises and its affiliated specialist offices - like all organizations of the NSDAP - were dissolved by Act No. 5 of the American military government of May 31, 1945. The organizations that had merged into it were re-established in the period that followed.


At the top of the standing trade chief officer . From 1934 to 1941 this was Carl Steding . He was succeeded in September 1941 by Martin Schneider , who held the post until 1945.


  • Hajo Bernett, The Path of Sports into the National Socialist Dictatorship. The creation of the German (National Socialist) Reichsbund for physical exercises , Schorndorf 1983.
  • Hajo Bernett, Sports Policy in the Third Reich. From the files of the Reich Chancellery , Schorndorf 1971.