Reichsmarkstrasse (Dortmund)

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coat of arms
Street in Dortmund
Basic data
place Dortmund
District Syburg
Created 1929
Cross streets Wannestrasse, Markusstrasse
User groups Pedestrian traffic , bicycle traffic , car traffic

In the Reichsmark street is a historical street in the Dortmund area Syburg that from north to south western Wannebachtal crosses.

The name Reichsmark refers to a district belonging to the realm with the nearby Reichswald . When Pope Leo III. Came to Syburg in 799 to consecrate the Petersbrunnen there, if his arrival is said to have taken place via the Kirchweg, which later bore the name Syburger Weg. The Syburger Weg was renamed to Dortmunder Strasse in 1905 and renamed Reichsmarkstrasse as part of the reorganization of the municipality in 1929.

Syburg has been a pilgrimage site since 799 , because the relics of St. Barbara were also in the Syburg Church until 1589 , before they were brought to the treasury of Cologne Cathedral and sold to Spain in 1802.

The procession always went on the day of St. Mark (April 25) from the Reinoldikirche via Hörde and the Niederhofer Wald , through the Wannebach Valley and the Reichsmarkstraße to the Church of St. Peter (formerly Widukind Church) in Syburg. In 1297 the city of Dortmund burned to the ground because most of the residents were in Syburg for the procession.

In the 14th century, the Reichsmark and thus also the later Reichsmarkstrasse formed the center of supply for the Westhofen estate . Trees were felled here for house building, peat was cut and grain was grown. Later, in the 16th century, coal was mined in a small mine in the northern Reichsmark and brought to the Lenne via this route (later Reichsmarkstrasse), where it was shipped upriver as fuel for blacksmiths' workshops.

In the 19th century there was a syringe house at the southern end of today's Reichsmarkstrasse. The extinguishing water was fetched from ponds of the Reichsmark estate (today golf course) at the northern end of the road. The syringe house then temporarily moved to the Syberg. In 1956, the new fire station in Reichsmarkstrasse was moved into, where fire engine 14 of the volunteer fire brigade continues to perform its duties to this day.

A memorial plaque reminds us that Kaiser Wilhelm II arrived on August 10, 1909 via Dortmunder Straße or Reichsmarkstraße to attend the celebrations on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the union of the County of Mark and the County of Ravensberg with Brandenburg-Prussia on the Kaiser- Wilhelm Monument to participate.

Since the settlement of Syburg, today's Reichsmarkstrasse has served farmers, traders, quarries and small mines as a means of transport and thus gained regional importance. In historical church writings, the function as a corpse transport route is expressly referred to several times.

From October 2007 to June 2008 the southern part of Reichsmarkstrasse was extensively renovated and has lost its village character.

Coordinates: 51 ° 25 ′ 50.4 "  N , 7 ° 28 ′ 53.2"  E