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The Reichsverlagsamt , which had its seat at Scharnhorststrasse 4 in Berlin, was responsible for the publishing and distribution of official publications of the Reich. It was also under budgetary law to the Reich Ministry of the Interior . Among other things, the Reichsgesetzblatt was taken over from office.


In 1810 the Prussian collection of laws was established as the official gazette for the laws and other nationally important legal norms of Prussia. The management of the publishing and distribution business of the "Law Collection for the Royal Prussian States" was initially with the Royal Ober-Hofbuchdruckerei Decker, and from 1819 with the "Law Collection Debits Comtoir". On January 1, 1825, for reasons of savings, this office was merged with the “Royal Newspaper Comtoir” founded in Berlin on January 1, 1822 to form the “Royal Law Collection Debits and Newspaper Comtoir”, which from 1871 as “Law Collection” Debits-Komtoir ”and from 1876 as the“ Legal Collection Office ”. The office was under the Prussian State Ministry . The shops were from 1822 onwardsPost office noticed.

Map section in Berlin-Mitte (1915), labeled "Milit.-Turn-Anst." On the map

In 1921, the office moved to various locations in the building of the former military gymnasium at Scharnhorststrasse 4, which was taken over by the Reichspost . Since January 1, 1926, the law collection office was subordinate to the Reich Ministry of the Interior . The Law Collection Office was merged with the Post Office, which was responsible for the distribution of the Law Collection. In 1933, the Legal Collection Office became the Reichsverlagsamt, which existed until 1945.


  • Wilhelm Küsgen, Paul Gerbeth, Heinrich Herzog, Laurenz Schneider, Gerhard Raabe: Concise dictionary of the postal system , published by Julius Springer, Berlin 1927, p. 269

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Hue de Grais, Guiskard Hue de Grais, Hans Peters, Werner Hoche: Handbook of the constitution and administration in Prussia and the German Empire , Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH 1926, ISBN 978-3-662-35763-7 , p. 39 and 76