Pure Merkel

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Reiner Merkel (born January 28, 1952 in Wetzlar ; † February 6, 2007 in France ) was a German manager and photo editor of the dpa . He made video broadcasting popular in Germany.


Reiner Merkel studied at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen . After activities and a. At the State Sports Association of Hesse , he moved to the German Press Agency (dpa) in 1988 and became head of the picture services there. He played a major role in building up the dpa subsidiaries “global media services” and “news aktuell”. Since 2002 he has been responsible for the development of the picture platform Picture Alliance , a platform of the six big picture agencies akg-images, picture agency Huber, dpa-picture services, kpa photo archive, Okapia and Picture Press.

Together with the National Olympic Committee for Germany and the Organizing Committee (OC) of the 2006 FIFA World Cup , he initiated the online picture service for both the Olympic Games and the World Cup in Germany.

Merkel, who lived in Friedrichsdorf , was also active as a photo artist and presented his large-format works, mostly from Burano, at exhibitions. He was married and had two children; he died unexpectedly while skiing in the French Alps.


as editor
  • Sports science in Hessen. Contributions to the 40th anniversary of the Landessportbund . State Sports Association of Hesse, Frankfurt / M. 1986 (together with Rainer Ballreich, among others)
  • Adolescent years. Teens and Twens between 1950 and 2000 . Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit 2002, ISBN 3-7757-9072-1 (illustrated book for the exhibition "Teens and Twens between 1950 and 2000" in the Palatinate Historical Museum , Speyer)

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