Reinhard Dahms

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Reinhard Dahms (born May 19, 1944 in Putzig ; † January 1, 1966 near Bömenzien ) was a fatality on the inner-German border .


Reinhold Dahms was a bricklayer and lived in Finowfurt . In May 1965 he was called up to serve with the border troops. On New Year's Eve 1965/66 he was deployed with a post leader on the border with the FRG. After midnight, Dahms suggested to the guard leader that they flee together. He apparently agreed, but tried to notify his company via the border network. Dahms snatched the receiver from his hand, overcame a moat, and ran towards the last border fence when the guard leader began to shoot. Dahms was fatally hit.

Web links

  • Reinhard Dahms on the website of the SED State Research Association of the Free University of Berlin