Tim Ostermann

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Tim Ostermann (2014)
Video presentation (2014)

Tim Ostermann (born June 16, 1979 in Bünde ) is a German lawyer and politician ( CDU ). He was a member of the German Bundestag from 2013 to 2017 .

education and profession

Ostermann passed his Abitur in 1998 at the municipal high school in Löhne . After completing his military service, he studied law at the University of Bielefeld , where he was awarded a Dr. jur. received his doctorate. The title of his doctoral dissertation was: The Constitutional Status of the German Emperor after the Imperial Constitution of 1871 . After his 2nd state examination , Ostermann was admitted to the bar in 2008 . Ostermann is a member of the fraternity Alte Leipziger Turnerschaft Hansea Bielefeld in Coburg Convent .

Political career

Ostermann has been a member of the CDU since 1995. Since 2002 he has been a member of the City Council of Löhne , where he was parliamentary group leader from 2009 to 2013. Ostermann has been the district chairman of the CDU in the Herford district since 2012 . Tim Ostermann joined the federal election in 2013 in the federal election Herford - Minden-Lübbecke II for the first time as a candidate for the Bundestag. Ostermann was narrowly defeated in the fight for the direct mandate to the SPD politician Stefan Schwartze , who was only able to gain 763 first votes . However, Ostermann was able to move into the 18th Bundestag via the state list. He was a full member of the Home Affairs Committee and, since its constitution, a deputy member of the NSA Committee of Inquiry . In the 2017 federal election, Ostermann missed entry into the Bundestag.

Web links

Commons : Tim Ostermann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Members of the Interior Committee - 18th Bundestag ( Memento from September 24, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Bundestag online, accessed on September 18, 2014
  2. timostermann.de: Ostermann with NSA investigation committee . In: timostermann.de . March 21, 2014. Retrieved May 15, 2015.
  3. Dirk Windmöller, Dennis Bleck: Tim Ostermann missed the entry into the Bundestag . In: Herford . ( nw.de [accessed September 25, 2017]).