Reinhold Lauffmann

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Reinhold Lauffmann (born February 8, 1876 in Thorn ; † December 10, 1952 ) was a German tanning chemist .


After completing secondary school, Reinhold Lauffmann attended the technical institutes in Köthen and then studied chemistry at the University of Rostock . In 1907 he joined the former research institute for the leather industry , which later became the German Leather Institute Freiberg and today's research institute for leather and synthetic sheeting . He worked here for 42 years until he retired in 1949.

During this time R. Lauffmann published almost 100 scientific and technical papers on all areas of tanning chemistry and tanning technology. He was best known for his work on the question of the qualitative testing of tanning agents, the leather fatliquoring agents and the leather fatliquoring process. He took over the processing of technical problems in various technical encyclopedias. From 1922 to 1925 he was editor of the magazine “Der Gerber”, whose publishing house also published his first comprehensive series of articles on skin and leather defects, as well as a number of progress reports.

His expert and advisory work at the German Leather Institute, “with which R. Lauffmann rendered various services to the German leather industry, was less evident. Despite his advanced age, after the collapse in 1945, R. Lauffmann made himself available to the reconstruction of the German leather industry with his versatile knowledge, a fact that the GDR government particularly recognized by granting an honorary pension. "

Works (selection)

  • Dictionnaire Des Termes Les Plus Importants Employés Dans L'Industrie Des Cuirs Et Peaux Allemand-Français et Français-Allemand , together with Johannes Paeßler (1912)
  • Dictionary of the most important technical terms used in the leather industry; German-French and French-German , together with Johannes Paeßler (1912)
  • Differentiating and examining tannin extracts (1913)
  • Smaller writings, S.-Abdr. and the like concerning the tannery , Volume 8 (1916)
  • The remarkable work of the years 1916–1920 in the field of the leather industry (1921) [1]
  • Handbook of Gerbereichemie und Lederfabrikation , various authors (1936)
  • Editing of the supplementary volume by A. Wagner, J. Paeßler: Handbook for the entire tannery and leather industry

Individual evidence

  1. a b c F. Stather: Ing.Chem. Reinhold Lauffmann 1876-1952 . In: Collected papers of the German Leather Institute Freiberg / Sa. , No. 10, 1954, pp. 3-4.