Reinhold Polster

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Reinhold Polster (born June 7, 1922 in Oberschützen ; † August 6, 2009 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( ÖVP ) and farmer. Polster was a member of the Burgenland Landtag , a long-time Provincial Councilor in the Burgenland Provincial Government and a member of the Federal Council . Polster was married.

education and profession

Polster attended elementary school and the secondary school in Oberschützen and passed the Matura in 1941. A year earlier, at the age of only 18, he had already joined the NSDAP and had been assigned membership number 7,844,597. He was subsequently drafted into the German Wehrmacht in autumn 1941 and served in the war or in British captivity until 1945. In 1945, Polster took over his parents' farm. In 1965 he was given the professional title of Economics Council.

Politics and functions

From 1947, Polster was a local councilor and treasurer in Oberschützen and from 1948 to 1956 he was the local party leader of the ÖVP. In 1950 he became a councilor of the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture. Between 1950 and 1990, Polster was chairman of the Burgenland Fleckviehzuchtverband and deputy chairman of the Burgenland farmers' association. He was also chairman of the Oberwart dairy cooperative from 1954 to 1989.

From 1957 to 1973, Polster was a board member of the Burgenland Dairy Association and from 1973 was its chairman. He was also a board member of OEMOLK and from 1958 to 1980 a member of the board of BEWAG: From 1972 to 1987 he was a member of the board of the Burgenland Raiffeisen Association.

Polster took over the office of district party chairman of the ÖVP-Oberwart in 1960 and was elected chairman of the Burgenland farmers' union on September 12, 1964. He was Deputy Governor from 1964 to 1972 and President of the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture from 1972 to 1987. Before that he was 3rd President from 1955 and 2nd President from 1958.

Polster represented the ÖVP in the state parliament between March 19, 1953 and July 27, 1960. In addition, he was from June 22, 1956 to February 17, 1972 a member of the state government and from June 12, 1964 Deputy Governor. On February 25, 1972, he moved to the Federal Council, to which he was a member until October 29, 1982.


  • Johann Kriegler: Political manual of Burgenland. Volume 2: (1945–1995) (= Burgenland Research. 76). Burgenland State Archives, Eisenstadt 1996, ISBN 3-901517-07-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Wladika : On the representation of politicians and mandataries with a Nazi past in the Austrian People's Party 1945–1980. A group biographical study. Research project on behalf of the Karl von Vogelsang Institute. Vienna 2018, p. 75f ( PDF ).