Reinier Zeeman

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Reinier Zeeman: Ships are caulked on the IJ off Amsterdam . The painting is signed "R.Zeeman"

Reinier Zeeman (* around 1623 in Amsterdam ; † August 1664 in Amsterdam) was a famous Dutch marine painter and etcher of the 17th century .


Until the exhibition "Lof der Zeevaart" in 1996, the artist was mentioned in art history with "Reinier Nooms, called Zeeman". However, only "Seeman" or "Zeeman" can be found on contemporary documents and on the signed paintings. The name "Nooms" comes from the signed printed works and title coppers of his sheets and series. It lists various forms of name: "R [einier] Zeeman", "Remy Zeeman", "Reinier Nooms, alyas Zeeman" or "Reinier Nooms". From this, Noom's earlier research on art history has been handed down and is still used in the art trade today. Current science has made its way into the name form Zeeman .


We first heard of Zeeman in 1653, when he married Marija Moosijn and had two daughters from her. No news is known from before this time. There are no other verifiable stages in his life, except for a complaint by his wife against the landlord, who allegedly seduced the artist into an immoral life. His wife inherited everything after Zeeman's death in 1664. Pictures are known from the estate inventory that suggest that he could have been in Paris before 1650. The inventory also contained books on seafaring. A trip to Berlin , which has been quoted many times, is not guaranteed. His artistic teachers are unknown, but a certain influence from Willem van de Velde the Elder. Ä. is to assume.

Reinier Zeeman: De Paerrel een Oostindis Vaerder, Den Dubbelen Arent een Westindis Vaerder, c. 1650

In addition to paintings, he produced an extensive range of graphics. These show time events, e.g. B. Naval wars, allegorical depictions, Amsterdam cityscapes and encyclopedic depictions of ship types.

Charles Méryon copied Zeeman's cityscapes of Paris (a series of etchings) and recommended himself - at least as an eraser - as his equal successor.


Individual evidence

  1. He is regularly listed as Zeemann on contemporary painting sales lists . see A. Bredius: "Schilderij-Prijzen te Amsterdam omstreeks 1664" in Oud-Holland, 1 (1900), pp. 181-184.

Web links

Commons : Reinier Nooms  - album with pictures, videos and audio files