Reino Helismaa

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Reino Helismaa (1947)
together with Pentti Saarikoski (1962)

Reino "Repe" Vihtori Helismaa , until 1934 with the surname "Helenius", (born July 12, 1913 in Helsinki , † January 21, 1965 ibid) was a Finnish lyricist, couplet singer and film actor. He also used the names "Orvokki Itä", "Aarne Lohimies", "Rainer Kisko" and "Rauni Kouta" as pseudonyms .

The main part of Helismaa's work is made up of around five thousand song texts, of which around 1500 were recorded. Since the early 1950s, there has been a constant and fruitful collaboration with the composer Toivo Kärki . Many of the pieces written by Helismaa were interpreted by Tapio Rautavaara .

In addition to his lyrics, Helismaa wrote 32 film scripts, 104 radio plays, ten revues and eight plays. He was also one of the authors of the Finnish science fiction - comic classic An earth man on Mars ( Maan bad Marsissa ) from 1947. In addition, authored Helismaa different stories in Adventure Thriller area . Helismaa became known to the general public as the singer of Couplets by J. Alfred Tanner .

Helismaa's most famous compositions include "Meksikon pikajuna", "Rovaniemen markkinoilla", "Reppu ja reissumies", "Päivänsäde ja menninkäinen", "Rakovalkealla" and "Lauluni aiheet".

"Meksikon pikajuna", published on 78 vinyl in 1949, tells a nearly six-minute story of a train robbery in Mexico with the two "main characters" Pikku-Pete and Iso-Pat , with a lot of black humor , although there is another special feature: at a tense point fades out the piece and the story continues seamlessly on the B-side.

Among the most popular songs by Toivo Kärki, Helismaa has written the following pieces and recorded her own interpretations:

  • "Suutarin tyttären pihalla" (1948)
  • "Kulkurin iltatähti" (1951)
  • "Minä soitan sulle illalla" (1952)
  • "Laivat puuta - miehet rautaa" (1952)
  • "Me tulemme taas" (1953)
  • "Hiljainen kylätie" (1953)
  • "Sinun silmiesi tähden" (1953)
  • "Täysikuu" (1953)
  • "Mummon kaappikello" (1954)
  • "Vanhan veräjän luona" (1959)
  • "Tuopin jäljet" (1963)
  • "Aurinko laskee länteen" (1965)

Helismaa also provided the text underlay for the following songs, but did not record any of the pieces himself:

  • "Kaksi vanhaa tukkijätkää"
  • "Moukan tuuri"
  • "Neljän tuulen tiellä"
  • "Lentävä kalakukko"
  • "Reppu yes reissumies"
  • "Tango merellä"

Other songs sung by Helismaa himself were “Sorsanmetsästys”, “Balladi villistä lännestä” and “Pigalle ja Montmartti”.

The song “Reilun Pojan Ralli” from 1951 was used for the background music of a Mercedes-Benz commercial from 2002 with Mika Häkkinen.

Helismaa was a machinist by profession . Reino Helismaa died of lung cancer in 1965 .

Web links

Commons : Reino Helismaa  - collection of images, videos and audio files