Stimulation current

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The term stimulation current encompasses a number of forms of therapy in which direct current or low-frequency alternating currents are used for muscle stimulation. Stimulus currents were scientifically investigated by the physical chemist Walther Nernst and colleagues as early as 1900 . Stimulation current devices were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century and were advertised for the treatment of all possible woe ailments , e.g. B. even against bedwetting . Today the therapeutic benefit is limited to only a few recognized areas. They are mostly used to relieve pain , treat neuralgia , circulatory disorders or orthopedic diseases ( sciatica , tendinitis , arthrosis, etc.). Probably the best-known special form of electrical stimulation therapy is the pacemaker , which stimulates the heart muscle .

The electrical stimulation method is also known by the acronym TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). Biphasic current pulses with frequencies of 1–100 Hz are used. TENS is used for electro analgesia (pain reduction ).

The operating principle of TENS is the " Gate Control Theory ".

There are numerous, mostly simple electrical stimulation devices on the market that are said to be suitable for weight loss and muscle building . To do this, the electrodes are placed on the skin . The contact resistance between the skin and the electrode is usually reduced by using a gel , as is also used for an EKG . The electrical impulses delivered by the electrodes trigger muscle contractions . As a rule, the strength and duration of the impulses can be set using regulators or are determined by predetermined training programs. Since sudden strong impulses are perceived as annoying or uncomfortable, the training programs work with several average impulses per second. Thus you can use the equipment for strength training to increase strength endurance and thus tighten the muscles.

The effectiveness of the process for building muscle has been the subject of heated debate. The scientific research on the subject seems to have produced contradicting results. The benefit for avoiding the atrophy of muscles in the case of injury-related immobility seems to be relatively undisputed. Some studies also seem to show that modern, professional devices are suitable for increasing muscle strength and endurance. Manufacturers of simple devices that were marketed with the promise of a washboard abs without training, on the other hand, were sued by the American Federal Trade Commission for the voidness of these promises.

It is also undisputed that the devices are not suitable for losing weight because only individual muscles are trained and therefore the energy consumption is much too low to bring about weight loss. To support a diet , endurance training is more advisable.

It is generally not recommended for patients with cardiac problems and for those who have a pacemaker, as the electrical currents can have dangerous interactions with the heart or pacemaker.

Another area of ​​application is the use of electrical stimulation technology in the field of eroticism . A wide variety of device types are used for erotic electrical stimulation .

See also

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ FTC Charges Three Top-selling Electronic Abdominal Exercise Belts with Making False Claims