Religio Athletae

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Religio athletae (dt .: The religion of the athlete ) is by Pierre de Coubertin , the quasi- religious , devotion with the top athletes to their sports operate, believe in a positive outcome and in fair measure compete with others. Accordingly, the competition corresponds to the ritual of a divine service , participation in the Olympic Games is the maximum to be strived for in religio athletae . It can be considered an integral part of Olympism . Coubertin took over the idea, widespread at the end of the 19th century, from Arthur Alfred Lynch , who glorified it in verse.

Individual evidence

  1. Pierre de Coubertin: L'OLYMPISME MODERNE.
  2. Jim Perry: The 'Religio Athletae', Olympism and Peace (in Parry J, et al: Sport and Spirituality, Routledge 2007, pp. 201–214)
  3. ^ AA Lynch: Religio athletae. London: Remington & Co. 1895
  4. ^ Arnd Krüger : The Origins of Pierre de Coubertins Religio Athletae.