Remigio Acevedo Raposo

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Remigio Acevedo Raposo (born December 16, 1896 in Santiago de Chile , † June 15, 1951 ibid) was a Chilean composer. Remigio Acevedo Raposo was the son of the composer and organist Remigio Acevedo Gajardo .

Live and act

Acevedo Raposo studied piano with Raúl Hügel and composition with Federico Stöber at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música in Santiago . He also studied privately with Francisco Avendaño .

He was the director of the Escuela Remigio Acevedo Gajardo , the music school that bore his father's name.

In addition to the works listed below, Acevedo Raposo has composed chamber music, piano works, choral works a capella and songs.

Selected works

  • Thamar (1928, work for soloists, choir and orchestra)
  • El Corvo (1946, tragedy in the milieu of Chilean peasants)
  • Epopeya lírica (1949, dramatic action with music)
  • Rapa Nui (1947, ballet )
  • Mote Mei (1926, symphonic poem)
  • Las tres pascualas (1933, symphonic poem)
  • Sinfonía de Jesús (1949, symphonic poem)


  • Acevedo Raposo, Remigio . In: Carl Dahlhaus (Ed.): Riemann Musiklexikon . 12th, completely revised edition. Personal section: A – K , supplementary volume. Schott, Mainz 1972, p. 4 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Riemann Musiklexikon, 1972.