René Lalou

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René Lalou (born September 3, 1889 in Boulogne-sur-Mer , † November 19, 1960 in Paris ) was a French English scholar , Romance scholar and literary critic.

life and work

Lalou went to school in Calais and Paris (Lycée Henri IV). He studied in Lille and Manchester and graduated from the Agrégation d'anglais. In Paris he received his doctorate in law in 1904 with the thesis Étude de la maxime "Infans conceptus pro nato habetur" en droit français . During the First World War he was an interpreting officer in the General Staff. After the war he was a high school teacher in Oran, Beauvais, Sceaux (Lycée Lakanal) and finally at the Lycée Henri IV in Paris. He worked as a literary critic for the Nouvelles Littéraires , the Annales and many other magazines. He translated alone or with his wife Christine the authors Keats, Meredith, Poe and Charles Morgan and published Shakespeare translations. Lalou made a name for himself with the very successful Histoire de la littérature française contemporaine (1870 jusqu'à nos jours) , which appeared in 1922 and which he expanded and updated until 1953. It was also translated into English by William Aspenwall Bradley (1878–1939), New York 1924.

Other works

  • Le chef. Confession lyrique , Paris 1923 (novel)
  • Défense de l'homme (Intelligence et sensualité), Paris 1926
  • Panorama de la littérature anglaise contemporaine , Paris 1927
  • André Gide , Paris 1928
  • Le clavecin non tempéré. Essai sur notre temps , Paris 1937
  • Roger Martin du Gard , Paris 1938
  • Les étapes de la poésie française , Paris 1943, Histoire de la poésie française , Paris (Que sais-je? 108), 9th edition 1970
  • La littérature anglaise des origines à nos jours , Paris 1944 (Que sais-je? 159)
  • Maurice Barrès , Paris 1950
  • Le théâtre en France depuis 1900 , Paris 1951 (Que sais-je? 461), 6th edition 1968
  • Le Roman français depuis 1900 , Paris 1957 (Que sais-je? 49), 11th edition 1969


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