UN Security Council resolution 2352

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UN Security
Council Resolution 2352
Date: 15th May 2017
Meeting: 7939
Identifier: S / RES / 2352 (2017) ( document )

Poll: Pro: 15  Ent. : 0  Cons: 0
Object: Extension of UNISFA
Result: accepted

Composition of the Security Council 2017:
Permanent members:

China People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China CHN FRA GBR RUS USAFranceFrance  United KingdomUnited Kingdom  RussiaRussia  United StatesUnited States 

Non-permanent members:
BoliviaBolivia BOL SWE ETH KAZ ITASwedenSweden  EthiopiaEthiopia  KazakhstanKazakhstan  ItalyItaly 
EgyptEgypt EGY SEN JPN URY UKRSenegalSenegal  JapanJapan  UruguayUruguay  UkraineUkraine 

Map of Abyei Area en.png
Map of Abyei

With resolution 2352 of May 15, 2017, the UN Security Council unanimously decided to extend the mandate of the UN peacekeeping mission called UNISFA in the Abyei region (border area between Sudan and South Sudan ) until November 15, 2017.

Text (excerpt)

The Security Council

1. Resolves the mandate of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) as set out in paragraph 2 of resolution 1990 (2011) and amended by resolution 2024 (2011) and paragraph 1 of resolution 2075 (2012) by November 15 2017, also decides, acting in accordance with Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, to extend the tasks of UNISFA as set out in paragraph 3 of Resolution 1990 (2011) until November 15, 2017, and states that for the purposes of Paragraph 1 of Resolution 2024 (2011) provides support for the operational activities of the Joint Mechanism for Verification and Surveillance of the Border, also support for the ad hoc committees, as required and upon mutually agreed request of these mechanisms, within the area of ​​operation and within the framework of the UNISFA's capabilities include;

2. Emphasizes that further cooperation between the Governments of South Sudan and the Governments of South Sudan is also essential for peace, security and stability and for their future relations;

3. Further requests again that Sudan and South Sudan begin urgently the establishment of the Abyei Oblast Administration and Council, in accordance with their obligations under the Agreement of 20 June 2011, including by addressing the deadlock on the composition of the Council and form the Abyei Police Department and enable it to carry out police duties throughout the Abyei area, including the protection of the oil infrastructure;

4. Urges the governments of Sudan and South Sudan to resume direct negotiations in order to come to an urgent agreement on a final settlement of the Abyei issue, calls on the parties to take concrete confidence-building measures, with renewed support from the high-level implementation group In helping the African Union to achieve this goal, urges the High Level Implementation Group and the Secretary-General's Special Envoy to continue to coordinate efforts to call for the full implementation of the 2011 Agreements, and requests the Secretary-General by August 15, 2017 to be informed of the progress made in this regard;

5. Regrets that the Joint Supervisory Committee for Abyei has not yet met and urges the implementation of the previous decisions of the Supervisory Committee and the agreement of June 20, 2011, points to the need for initiatives by the African Union to support this goal and encourages it renewed engagement and requests the Secretary-General to provide in his regular reports an assessment of the progress made on these issues;

6. Expresses renewed concern at the delays and stagnant efforts in the full operationalization of the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism, recalls the criteria and recommendations of the Secretary-General regarding the operation of the mechanism, takes note of the need for further investment in manufacturing The full operational capability of the Mechanism should be made conditional on a number of conditions, including the settlement of the dispute over the safe demilitarized border zone, and calls on the Government of Sudan and the Governments of South Sudan to use the Joint Border Verification and Surveillance Mechanism, the Joint Mechanism on political and security issues and to use rapidly and effectively other agreed common mechanisms to ensure the security and transparency of the safe demilitarized border zone, including the "14 mile" area;

7. Calls on both parties to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement of July 30, 2011 on the Border Surveillance Support Mission, including resuming discussions on border marking, holding regular meetings of the Joint Political and Security Mechanism and granting the full freedom of movement, and calls on both parties to show their full determination to implement their border regulations and take the necessary steps to achieve this, including by following up the June 5, 2016 meeting and quickly holding another meeting of the Joint Mechanism for political and security issues to make the operational decisions related to their agreement on the safe demilitarized border zone;

8. Resolves that this will be the last extension of the amended mandate pursuant to resolution 2024 (2011), unless both parties demonstrate a clear commitment to implementing the Joint Mechanism for Verification and Monitoring of the Border and corresponding reliable guarantees through their actions, in In accordance with the measures set out in paragraph 7, and requests the Secretary-General to report by October 15, 2017 on whether the Mechanism is fully operational;

9. Decides to reduce the authorized force to 4,791 soldiers and requests the Secretary-General to keep the Council fully informed of the status of the deployment as part of its regular reporting cycle;

10. Urges renewed efforts to clearly define the center line of the safe demilitarized border zone on the ground and reiterates that the center line of the safe demilitarized border zone depends on the current or future legal status of the border, the ongoing negotiations on the disputed and claimed areas and the marking of the Does not anticipate boundaries in any way;

11. Emphasizes that UNISFA's mandate for the protection of civilians, as set out in paragraph 3 of resolution 1990 (2011), also includes taking the necessary measures to protect civilians who are directly threatened by physical violence, regardless of whom they are Violence and appreciates UNISFA's efforts in this regard;

12. Condemns the temporary presence of security personnel in South Sudan and the relocation of units of the Diffra Oil Police to the Abyei area in violation of the June 20, 2011 Agreement, as well as any access by armed militias to the area, and demands that the Government of South Sudan immediately and again fully withdraws its security personnel from the Abyei area without preconditions and the Government of Sudan withdraws the Diffra Oil Police from the Abyei area, and further declares again in accordance with relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 1990 (2011) and 2046 (2012), that the Abyei area is demilitarized and that this applies to all forces as well as to armed elements of the local community, with the exception of UNISFA and the Abyei Police Department;

13. Supports the resolutions of the Joint Supervisory Committee for Abyei of May 3, 2013 and March 30, 2015 on the status of Abyei as a weapon-free zone, underlines those of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union in its communiqué of May 7, 2013 Concerned at reports that several communities in Abyei are heavily armed, recalls that the June 20, 2011 Agreement on Provisional Management and Security of the Abyei Area provides for Abyei to be a weapon-free zone, in which only UNISFA has the authority to carry arms and, in this regard, urges the two governments to take all necessary steps to ensure that Abyei is effectively demilitarized, including through disarmament programs if necessary;

14. Affirms that UNISFA may confiscate and destroy weapons in the Abyei area, in accordance with the authorization under Resolution 1990 (2011), in accordance with its mandate and within the scope of its possibilities, in coordination with the signatories of the June agreement 2011 on provisional regulations for the administration and security of the Abyei area, the Joint Supervisory Committee for Abyei and the ethnic groups of the Misseriya and the Ngok Dinka and in accordance with the earlier decision of the Supervisory Committee to designate the area as a "weapon-free zone", and UNISFA seeks again to monitor and document the movement of weapons to Abyei and the presence, destruction and confiscation of weapons in Abyei and to report on them as part of the regular reporting cycle of the Secretary-General;

15. Requests UNISFA to pursue its dialogue with the Joint Supervisory Committee for Abyei and the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka ethnic groups on effective strategies and oversight mechanisms to ensure that all relevant parties fully respect Abyei's status as a weapon-free zone, including the immediate Disposal of heavy or crew-operated weapons and bazookas is a particular priority and calls on the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan, the Oversight Committee and the Misseriya and Ngok Din-ka ethnic groups to cooperate fully with UNISFA in this regard;

16. Urges the two governments to take immediate steps to implement confidence-building measures between the respective ethnic groups in the Abyei area, in particular through reconciliation processes on the ground and by supporting the ongoing efforts of non-governmental organizations in the field of peacebuilding and by fully supporting the efforts of UNISFA to promote the dialogue between the ethnic groups, while ensuring the participation of women in all phases, emphatically welcomes the ongoing contact between the ethnic groups of the Ngok Dinka and the Misseriya and encourages all ethnic groups in Abyei with great urgency to exercise the utmost restraint in all their interactions and to refrain from inflammatory acts or statements that could lead to violent clashes;

17. Emphasizes that women's participation at all levels of inter-ethnic dialogue is essential to ensure a credible and legitimate process, and calls on all parties to promote full and equal participation by women;

18. Welcomes the positive developments at the local level between the ethnic groups of the Ngok Dinka and the Misseriya, in particular their noted determination for reconciliation and cooperation, such as the resumption of trading activities and the surveillance of stolen property and livestock, and in particular the prompt return of stolen ones Show property or compensation for crime victims;

19. Welcomes UNISFA's initiatives in support of inter-ethnic dialogue and efforts by the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka ethnic groups to strengthen inter-ethnic relations and promote stability and reconciliation in the Abyei area, including the relief of Meeting of the two ethnic groups in the joint peace committee and the reopening of a common market;

20. Welcomes the ongoing efforts of UNISFA, within the scope of the available possibilities and resources and in close coordination with the ethnic groups of the Misseriya and the Ngok Dinka, to strengthen the capacities of the local protection committees in order to assist in the control of the processes of public order in Abyei and continue to work with both Governments on this matter;

21. Calls on all parties to fully cooperate with the findings and recommendations of the Abyei Territory Joint Committee of Inquiry and Inquiry into the killing of a UNISFA peacekeeper and the head of the Ngok Dinka , welcomes the press release of the African Union Peace and Security Council of March 24, 2015, in which the African Union Commission is invited to interact with the parties on the findings and recommendations, and reiterates that the two ethnic groups in empowered to bring the case of the assassination of the Ngok Dinka head to a close, bearing in mind the need to promote stability and reconciliation in the Abyei area;

22. Expresses its intention to continue to review the mandate of UNISFA as necessary with a view to a possible relocation of the force, depending on the extent to which Sudan and South Sudan comply with the decisions made in resolution 2046 (2012) and their agreements in the agreements of 20 June, June 29 and July 30, 2011 and of September 27, 2012, namely to withdraw all forces from the safe demilitarized border zone, the joint mechanism for verification and surveillance of the border and the ad hoc committees for full operational Conduct operational readiness and complete the full demilitarization of the Abyei area;

23.Calls on all Member States, in particular Sudan and South Sudan, to ensure that all personnel, equipment, food, supplies and other goods, including vehicles, aircraft and spare parts, which are intended for the exclusive and official use of UNISFA, be able to move freely, freely and rapidly to and from Abyei and within the entire secure demilitarized border zone;

24. Reiterates its call on the governments of Sudan and South Sudan to give full assistance to the United Nations, including by promptly issuing visas to Sudan and South Sudan, regardless of their nationality, for military, police and civilian personnel of the United Nations, including humanitarian personnel , Facilitate deployment arrangements, the construction of infrastructure in the mission area and flight permits, and provide logistical support, calls on the governments of Sudan and South Sudan to facilitate travel from Sudan and South Sudan to Abyei and from Abyei, and calls on all parties to fulfill their obligations under the agreements fully comply with the legal status of the troops;

25. Recognizes the adverse effects that the Abyei people are experiencing due to the lack of development projects and the lack of basic public services, and calls on the government of Sudan and South Sudan, and donors, to rebuild and build capacity to support;

26. Demands that the Government of Sudan and the Government of South Sudan use the United Nations Mine Action Service to ensure the freedom of movement of the Joint Border Verification and Surveillance Mechanism and the detection and clearance of mines in the Abyei Area and the Safe Demilitarized Border Zone continue to facilitate;

27. further demands that all parties involved, in accordance with international law, including applicable international humanitarian law, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Humanitarian Aid, provide full, safe and unhindered access to civilians in need of aid to all humanitarian workers permit facilities necessary for their activities;

28. Urges all parties to end all forms of violence, human rights violations and abuses, violations of international humanitarian law, and violations of rights and abuses against children in violation of applicable international law;

29. Urges UNISFA to speed up the deployment of a women and child protection adviser;

30. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure effective human rights monitoring and the inclusion of the results in his reports to the Council, and calls on the Government of Sudan and the Governments of South Sudan to cooperate fully with the Secretary-General for this purpose , including by issuing visas to relevant United Nations personnel;

31. Recalls its resolution 2272 (2016) and also requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to ensure that UNISFA fully respects the United Nations' zero tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, and calls on the Council as part of its regular country-specific To keep reports on UNISFA's progress in this regard, including with regard to the implementation of resolution 2272 (2016);

32. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to inform the Council in two written reports by 31 July 2017 and 15 October 2017 at the latest on the progress made in implementing the UNISFA mandate and to immediately notify it of serious violations of the above agreements To bring knowledge;

33. Takes note of the Secretary-General's efforts to establish close cooperation between United Nations missions in the region, including UNISFA, the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan and the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, as well as his special envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, and requests him to continue this practice;

34. Decides to remain actively involved in the matter.

Individual evidence

  1. minutes of the 7939th session - S / PV.7939. UN, May 15, 2017, accessed May 19, 2017 .
  2. Resolution 2052 (2017) - S / RES / 2352 (2017). UN, May 15, 2017, accessed May 19, 2017 .

See also