UN Security Council resolution 960

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UN Security
Council Resolution 960
Date: November 21, 1994
Meeting: 3464
Identifier: S / RES / 960 ( document )

Poll: Pro: 15  Ent. : 0  Cons: 0
Object: Mozambique
Result: Accepted

Composition of the Security Council 1994:
Permanent members:

China People's RepublicPeople's Republic of China CHN FRA GBR RUS USAFranceFrance  United KingdomUnited Kingdom  RussiaRussia  United StatesUnited States 

Non-permanent members:
ArgentinaArgentina ARG BRA CZE DJI ESPBrazilBrazil  Czech RepublicCzech Republic  DjiboutiDjibouti  SpainSpain 
NigeriaNigeria NGA NZL OMN PAK RWANew ZealandNew Zealand  OmanOman  PakistanPakistan  Rwanda 1962Rwanda 


The Resolution 803 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that the United Nations Security Council unanimously decided at its 3464th meeting on November 21 1994th It considered the reaffirmation of Resolution 782 and all subsequent resolutions on Mozambique , welcomed and approved the recent elections in Mozambique from October 27-29, 1994, in accordance with the Rome General Peace Agreements, and took note of the statement by the Secretary-General's Special Representative that they were free and fair.

The Council appealed to the Mozambican parties to accept the results from which Joaquim Chissano of FRELIMO was chosen and to continue the process of national reconciliation through a system of multiparty democracy and to respect democratic principles. All Member States and international organizations were invited to contribute to the reconstruction of Mozambique.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ David J. Francis: Dangers of co-deployment: UN co-operative peacekeeping in Africa . Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2005, ISBN 978-0-7546-4027-1 , pp. 92 .